CFP for 2019 & 2020 DAAD Grant Initiatives
Call for Proposals
Trans-Atlantic Summer Institutes (TASI) for 2019 & 2020
German and European Studies Research Collaboratives for 2019 & 2020
German and European Studies Research Workshops for 2019 & 2020
May/ Summer Term Undergraduate Seminars for 2019 & 2020
University of Minnesota/ College of Liberal Arts
Center for German & European Studies
The Center for German & European Studies (CGES) is in the process of preparing a proposal to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for funding of projects during calendar years 2019 and 2020. The proposal will include a request for the funding of the Trans-Atlantic Summer Institutes (TASI) in 2019 and 2020, for research collaboratives and research workshops in German and European Studies for spring and fall semesters 2019 and 2020, and for May/ Summer Term seminars abroad. CGES welcomes proposals for all four initiatives.
Trans-Atlantic Summer Institute (TASI)
Since 2001, TASI has provided a unique forum for advanced graduate students from North America, Germany, and other European countries to explore topics in the broad area of German and European Studies. Each summer, 10-12 European and 10-12 North American graduate students work intensively for two weeks and explore in-depth questions that will enrich their dissertations in German and European Studies. The Summer Institutes are co-taught by a multi-disciplinary team of faculty and aim to make a major contribution to the training of the next generation of experts on Germany and Europe. They introduce European students to the American university, and North American students to the European academic culture. TASI is designed to foster the international discussions and collaborations that are fundamental to the scholarly enterprise.
CGES invites University of Minnesota faculty to propose a Trans-Atlantic Summer Institute for either 2019 or 2020. The proposal should consist of the following:
- A brief description of the topic (one page limit) for the Institute and its significance
- Identification of UMN collaborators
- Identification of partners from other institutions in North America and Europe/ Middle East
- One paragraph biographies of UMN faculty leaders and potential partners
The proposed topic should address German and European culture, society, politics, economics, or history from an interdisciplinary perspective; provide graduate students with an opportunity to link their own projects to cutting-edge research; and should be of interest to graduate students from a breadth of disciplines. Preference will be given to proposals that engage faculty from institutions in Germany or from other institutions in the CGES/DAAD network of Centers for German and European Studies. For more information about the network, see below.
The deadline for proposals is May 25, 2018.
Proposals should be submitted to [email protected]. Please direct all questions about possible topics and the preparation of the proposals to [email protected].
Selected proposals will be included in the funding request submitted to the DAAD in late June 2018.
For examples of previous TASIs, visit
Research Collaboratives
Since its inception in 1998, CGES has provided a forum for interdisciplinary graduate seminars in German and European studies led by one or more University of Minnesota faculty members and colleagues at other universities, chiefly in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. (New collaborations with institutions in Asia are also welcome.) The graduate seminars, which are offered during the academic year, have provided opportunities for faculty and graduate students from Minnesota and partnering institutions to participate in a seminar around a common topic that has subsequently fostered collaborative research projects and the building of strong institutional ties between Minnesota scholars and those of other universities. As part of the 2019/2020 proposal, CGES welcomes proposals for graduate seminars on any aspect of German and European studies from the social sciences, humanities and the fine arts. Collaborations with scholars in other University of Minnesota colleges who work on topics with a German and European Studies focus are also welcome.
Funding for research collaboratives may provide stipends for guest speakers; travel for the lead faculty to plan the seminar; travel and lodging for seminar participants from partner institutions to meet and present their work; and, if needed, a research assistantship to support the planning of the seminar.
The proposal should consist of the following:
- A brief description (one page limit) of the topic of the research collaborative seminar
- Outline of a syllabus (one page) of the main topics to be covered by the seminar
- Identification of UMN faculty leader(s). CGES affiliated faculty from other Minnesota institutions may also serve as faculty leaders.
- Identification of partners from other institutions in North America or Europe
- One paragraph biographies of the faculty leaders from Minnesota and partner institutions
The research collaborative topic should address German and European culture, society, politics, economics or history from an interdisciplinary perspective. Topics in the behavioral sciences that promote German and European studies by deepening understanding of German and European approaches to complex social issues are also welcome. The research collaboratives should enable faculty to carry out projects they might not otherwise be able to do, provide graduate students with an opportunity to develop research that may lead to future projects or the dissertation, and ideally be of interest to graduate students from a breadth of disciplines. Preference will be given to proposals that engage faculty from institutions in Germany or from other institutions in the CGES/DAAD network of Centers for German and European Studies. For more information about the CGES/DAAD network, see below.
The deadline for proposals is May 25, 2018.
Proposals should be submitted to [email protected]. Please direct all questions about possible topics and the preparation of the proposals to [email protected].
Selected proposals will be included in the funding request submitted to the DAAD in late June 2018.
Research Workshops
The Center for German and European Studies also welcomes proposals from its affiliated faculty for short-term research workshops on topics relating to the study of Germany and Europe. Research workshops may be realized through a one-day mini-conference on a specialized topic in German and European Studies, a workshop for faculty and graduate students to advance current research projects in preparation for publication, or through public lectures or a lecture series. Research workshops may also be used by University of Minnesota faculty to bring together faculty specialists on German and European Studies from North America and abroad to explore the development of an emerging research project that will lead to further international collaborations and future internal and external grant proposals. Research workshops provide excellent opportunities to identify potential collaborators in German and European studies for current or future projects, to arrange for guest visits from potential research partners to explore mutual interests, and to support short-term study visits for faculty and graduate students.
The deadline for proposals is May 25, 2018.
Proposals should be submitted to [email protected]. Please direct all questions about possible topics and the preparation of the proposals to [email protected].
May/ Summer Term Undergraduate Seminars
The Center for German and European Studies will also seek funding from the DAAD for scholarship support for undergraduate seminars during the May or Summer Term in 2019 and 2020. CGES seminars generally last for three weeks, enroll 10-12 undergraduates, and provide substantial scholarships for the participants that cover most travel and living expenses. Seminars may be proposed on any topic in German and European studies and must include a study visit to Germany. Seminars are conducted in English, and students are not required to have prior knowledge of German. Students will receive up to three credits for their work in the seminar. CGES provides logistical support for the seminar during its residency in Germany. To apply, please provide a 300-word description of the seminar, outlining its goals and study abroad requirements.
The CGES/DAAD Global Network
The Minnesota Center for German and European Studies is a member of a consortium of 20 Centers for German and European Studies funded by the German Academic Exchange Service, located in North America (UC Berkeley, Brandeis, Harvard, Georgetown, Minnesota, Montréal, Toronto, Wisconsin), Europe (Amsterdam, Birmingham, Cambridge, Paris, St. Petersburg, and Wrocław), Israel (Haifa; Jerusalem), East Asia (Beijing University; Chung-Ang University [Seoul]; University of Tokyo), and Brazil (PUCRS/UFRGS, Porto Alegre). Please contact CGES Director Jim Parente ([email protected]) as soon as possible if you are interested in exploring collaborative projects with other DAAD-funded Centers.
For more information and links to members of the CGES/DAAD network, please see: