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Moved? Changed email? New job? Help us keep up with you by updating your info now.

Thank you!

The Department of English

The Department of English is always happy to hear from alumni and friends! An active community better supports you—along with current students and faculty.    

To connect with us and your fellow alums:

  • Subscribe to our monthly events email, English@MN Visiting Writers, to hear about free literary readings and talks.
  • Follow us on Twitter @UMNEnglish to learn about events, alumni accomplishments, and faculty publications and awards.
  • Like our Facebook page to keep up on the latest news and join our growing network of current and former English members.
  • Connect to other U of M alumni and students on LinkedIn for professional introductions and networking.
  • Get in touch with the department by emailing alumni newsletter editor Terri Sutton at Tell us what you’re doing with a degree in English so we can feature your accomplishments among our alumni achievements stories.

The English e-Quarterly is a newsletter sent out four times a year via email to over 3000 alumni with email addresses on file with the University of Minnesota Foundation. If you’re not receiving it, update your information now!

The College of Liberal Arts

You are also invited to connect and network with the College of Liberal Arts and the University of Minnesota.

Learn more about how CLA Career Services can support alumni.

Learn about the easy ways to help the U of M succeed at the Capitol by becoming part of UMN Advocates.

The College of Liberal Arts alumni relations office is here for you! Find out more about what's happening in CLA and how to get involved.