Statement of Afghan Students and Scholars Abroad Regarding the Taliban’s Banning Women from Education and Employment

Statement of Afghan Students and Scholars Abroad Regarding the Taliban’s

Banning Women from Education and Employment

In early 2019, the United States officially resumed its direct negotiations with the Taliban

to reach an agreement on a joint framework for a future peace agreement in Afghanistan. As a

result, the Taliban were given standing and leverage, which they used to extract major

concessions, including the withdrawal of the international military forces from Afghanistan and

the release of 5,000 high-profile members of the Taliban from Afghanistan’s prisons. However,

on August 15, 2021, the Taliban illegally took over Afghanistan by force. Despite initially

promising a more moderate rule respecting rights for women and minorities, the Taliban have

widely and strictly implemented their restrictive interpretation of Sharia law since they seized

power in Afghanistan. The Taliban’s actions have included banning girls from attending

secondary schools; depriving women of participating in almost all spheres of society and public

life, including restaurants, parks, and gyms; and imposing hijab rules and gender segregation in

the few institutions that were supposed to provide educational and employment opportunities for

women. On top of these, in another inhumane action, following a decree dated December 20,

2022, the Taliban officially banned women from universities and deprived them of their right to

employment at all levels, effective immediately. As a result, Afghan women and girls have been

forced to bear complete isolation and denial of their most basic rights.

The Taliban’s actions against women contravene national law, jus cogens norms of

international law, human rights, Islamic doctrine, and shared human values, which no regime can

derogate from under any circumstances. Equally, the Taliban’s actions are against the culture and

beliefs of the people in Afghanistan. The Taliban have, unfortunately, made Afghanistan the only

country in the world where women are deprived of their most basic and fundamental rights and

are removed from society.

Since the beginning of peace negotiations with the Taliban, Afghan women were never

optimistic towards a joint future with the Taliban in terms of preserving their rights, since they

believed the current Taliban held the same extremist ideology against women as the previous

incarnation of the Taliban in the 1990s. Thus, many feared that any reintegration of the Taliban

into society would mean a repetition of past horrors or an invitation to even darker days. Women

bravely raised their concerns against any peace deal with the Taliban on many occasions.

However, what is deplorable is that these voices were never heard: not in the U.S.-led

negotiations with the Taliban, nor in the intra-Afghan peace talks, nor by the regional and

international actors involved in the process.

The Taliban’s bans on education and employment of women serves to establish gender

apartheid and to enact a policy of animosity, discrimination, and oppression against women in

Afghanistan. The destructive impacts of this policy are not only limited to women’s identity and

situation; rather, the Taliban have undermined the development of the whole country and its

people at large. These bans leave no doubt of the Taliban’s intention to impose and

institutionalize their fundamentalist and extremist narratives on the lives of all Afghan people.

Once again, the Taliban’s despicable policies against women have proven to be extremely

threatening to all aspects of people’s lives, from the structures of the family to the social,

economic, political, and legal foundations of Afghanistan. And the Taliban’s actions threaten

regional and global peace and security.

For these reasons, the current Taliban de facto authorities have no recognition, place, or

legality to the people of Afghanistan and should have no standing in the international

community. Therefore, in order to find possible solutions for the current humanitarian crisis in

Afghanistan, a transnational discourse should be held, and an urgent and robust mechanism for

restoring human rights in Afghanistan should be initiated. There is an urgent need for the

advocates of humanity to move beyond mere condemnations of the Taliban’s brutality and to

begin taking practical actions to uplift the voices of Afghan women.

We strongly believe that one of the main motives of the Taliban de facto authorities in

moving to exclude Afghan women from society and taking their rights hostage is to gain

international recognition. Under these circumstances any support or recognition of the Taliban de

facto authorities by the regional and international powers, despite the Taliban’s clear violation of

human rights and international norms, is a historical shame that will be followed by international

responsibility and accountability to all involved.

Therefore, global condemnation of and efforts to stop the brutal actions of the Taliban should

include the following:

● The urgent intervention of the United Nations, human rights organizations and defenders,

women’s rights advocates, and Islamic scholars to demand immediate reversal of the

recent decrees of the Taliban de facto authorities concerning women’s rights to education

and employment.

● Initiating a transnational conversation with the Taliban regarding the political, human

rights, and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, with due attention to the needs and red

lines of the people of Afghanistan. These negotiations must result in the formation of an

inclusive government based on elections and a pluralistic society.

● Closing the Taliban’s political office in Doha, Qatar, which has given a sense of political

recognition to the Taliban since the time of its emergence.

● Refraining from any de facto or de jure recognition of the Taliban by all States.

● Providing funding, educational opportunities, and scholarships to girls and women from

Afghanistan who are currently suffering from extreme levels of oppression.

● Accepting Afghan students who are in their last semesters of the university to online

courses and programs leading to conferral of the completion certificates and relevant


● Speaking out against barbaric acts of the Taliban against Afghan women’s rights and

freedoms under the name of Islam, especially by the Organization of Islamic Countries

(OIC) and Islamic academics and human rights institutions.

● Bringing transparency to the process of international humanitarian aid to make sure it

reaches the Afghan people in need and to avoid financing the Taliban.

We, Afghan students and scholars abroad, urge academic institutions, human rights

organizations and defenders, and women’s rights advocates not to leave Afghan women alone in

this crisis and their resistance. Afghan women are being killed, arrested, and tortured just for

asking for their fundamental rights and for standing against the inhumane actions of the Taliban

since the collapse of the former Afghan government. As human beings, we all have the shared

responsibility to support and stand with those in need. Therefore, in this challenging situation,

there is an urgent need to stand together, raise our voices, and take action against brutal human

rights violations in Afghanistan.







Afghan Students and Scholars Abroad

Copies sent to:

- Academic Institutions and Universities Around the World




- Islamic Human Rights Commission

- Organization of American States

- Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

- Commission for Human Rights, Council of Europe

- African Commission on Human & Peoples’ Rights

- Amnesty international

- Human Rights Watch

- Freedom House

- Human rights campaign

- Asian Human Rights Commission


- International Society for Human Rights

- Global Rights

- International Federation for Human Rights

- Front-Line Defenders

- The Advocates for Human Rights

- Center for Economic and Social Rights

- Human Rights House Foundation

- Open Society Foundation

- International Service for Human Rights

- Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative

- Humanity in Action

- Children Right Information Network



Abdul Ahmad Tawfiq London School of Economics and Political Science

Abdul Basit Amiri, Vanderbilt University

Abdul Hakim Karimi Hamburg University

Abdul Qadim Sabir, Pepperdine University

Abdul Qadir Amin, Euro Asian National University

Abdullah Adeal, Texas Southern University

Abid Jan, RWTH Aachen University

Adil Zafar, University of South Wales

Afsana Hamidy, King’s College London

Ahmad Milad Behzad, Michigan State University

Ahmad Raheb Radfar, State University of New York at Albany

Ahmad Zaki Ghafari, Clemson University

Ahmad Zaki Ghafari, Clemson University

Ahmad Zaki Sadeqi, University of Nebraska- Lincoln

Aimal Faayez, Wake Forest University School of Law

Akmal Durrani, Ohio University

Alaha Ahrar, George Mason University

Ali Ahmadi, University of East Anglia

Ali Dad Adib, Old Dominion University

Ali Reza Rasa University of applied science stuttgart

Ali Yaqubi, Purdue University

Ameenullah Amiri, Clemson University

Aref Doostyar, University of Notre Dame

Arif Pazhwak, New York University

Atefa Ghaznawi, University of Illinois

Atefa Hussaini Baghlan University

Atlas Millie Bay, University of Virginia

Azamat Zahid New York University

Azamat Zahid, New York university

Azima Kazimian, University of Central Florida

Bahara Hussaini, UMass Lowell

Barakatullah Mohammadi, Washington State University

Beheshta Rasekh, Syracuse University

Belal Noori, Maryland University College Park

Benafsha Yaqubi, University of East London

Benazir Noorzad, Oklahoma State University

Dawood Azeemy, Georgia State University

Dr. Zuhra Abawi, Niagara University

Duniya Stanikai, University of Pittsburgh, School of Law

Ehsan Naikkua, University of Dayton

Ehsanullah Nikfar, Oberlin College

Elham Sana, SUNY Binghamton

Enayat Nasir, State University of New York

Fahima Amini, Chapman University

Faisal Gulzad, University of York

Farida Qazanfari, University of Missouri

Farida Razaqi, SUNY Buffalo; Niagara University

Farkhonda Faizi, Clark University

Ferdaws Najimi, Tor Vergata university of Rome

Freshteh Zakeri, University of Illinois at Chicago

Ghiyas Kamyar, Insubria University

Gopika Viswanthan, Clemson University

Gul Ahmad Laiwal, University of Nebraska- Lincoln

Hadia Aziz, Nothingham Trent University

Hadia Khairzada, English Language literature

Hadisa Gowhari, Willamette University

Hameed Hassan, Old Dominion University

Hamidullah Bamik, University of Missouri Columbia

Hareer Hashim, American University in Dubai

Harun Sultani, Otto-von-Guericke- Universität

Husna Amini, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Iqbal Shahrwand, University of Minnesota

Irfanullah Safi, University of Sussex

Jawad Hashimey, University of applied science Stuttgart

Kaleemullah Mehrabi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Kanishka Wahidi, University of Erfut

Kawsar Arzomand, Brunel University London

Khadija Hussaini, Brandeis University

Lutfullah Rasikh, Arizona State University

Lutfullah Rasikh, Arizona State University

Madiha Ahmadi, Lancaster University

Mahbeigom Fayyazi, Rochester Institute of Technology

Mahdi Surosh, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Mahsa Ahmadi, George Mason University

Mahvash Rezaey, Washington State University

Maisoon Mir, Southern New Hampshire University

Malalai Habibi, University of Notre Dame

Mansoor Akbar, University of Kentucky

Maryam Jami, University of Pittsburgh

Maryam Jami, Pittsburgh University

Maryam Khurram, University of Westminster

Maryam Rayed, Georgetown University

Maseeh Ahmad Wassil, University of Missouri

Masooma Farhang, Eastern Michigan University

Masooma Masih, Temple University

Matin Jami, University of Iceland

Meherafroz Ghani, University of Kansas

Mohammad A. Rahimi, King Saud University

Mohammad Ashar Omer, The Bush School of Graduate Studies at Texas A&M Texas

Mohammad Edress Deliri, Newcastle University

Mohammad Elyas Faisal, MD University

Mohammad Ibrahim Abasi, New York University

Mohammad Ibrahim Abasi, Rochester Institute of Technology

Mohammad Jawad Haidari, North Carolina State University

Mohammad Jawad Jahid, Ohio State University

Mohammad Jawid, George Mason

Mohammad Khalil Taqavi, Central European University

Mohammad Mustafa Angar Swedish Instiute Study Scholarships (SSIS)

Mohammad Mustafa Raheal, University of Bath

Mohammad Nawab Afghan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Mohammad Nazir Dawi, University of Missouri

Mohammad Parwiz Afshar, Indiana University

Mohammad Qasim Wahaj, Georgia state university

Mohammad Ramin Anis, Virginia Tech

Mohammad Sadeq Ahmadi, Florida State University

Mohibullah, St. Cloud State University

Mojebullah Aria, Portsmouth University

Morwared Sherzad, University of York

Mostafa Moradi, North Carolina State University

Mozhdah Radmanesh, Kansas University

Mukhtar Hussain Alizada, Kansas State University

Mursal Ayobi, University of York

Musa Joya, University of Surrey

Mustafa M Wali, Texas Southern University

Muzghgan Mohammad Nasim, University of East Anglia

Najib Amin, Leiden University

Najibullah Loodin, Texas A&M University

Najibullah Zulfeqar, Auburn university

Naqibullah Ahmadi, Western Michigan University

Narges Kazemi, Niagara University

Nasema Zeerak, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Naser Khairi, University of applied science stuttgart

Nasiba Hamidy, University of Notre Dame

Negina Azizi, Chiragh Medical Institute

Negina Barai, London School of Economics and political science

Nisar Ahmad Anwari, Arizona State University

Omid Jooya, University of Northern Iowa

Parisa Sekandari, Monash University

Raihana Saidy, Kent State University

Raziya Sadat, University of Nebraska Lincoln

Riaz Ahmad Ludin, University of illinois

Rohullah Arya, University of Dayton

Roqia Samim, University of Notre Dame

Rostam Ali Bahadori, Rochester Institute of Technology

Rubaba Azad, UMass Amherst

Said Tamimullah, University of Kansas

Saiemeh Wahidi, Kansas University

Sajia Aziz, University of Illinois

Sayed Abuzar Kazimi, Texas Southern University

Sayed Ahmad Fahim Masoumi, Rhein Waal

University of Applied Science

Sayed Besmellah Ehsani, University of Dayton

Sayed Isteqlal Murad, University of Dundee

Sayed Jawad Hussaini , Dow University of Health Science

Sayed Mustafa Waqef, Rochester University

Seddiqa Rezayi, Stevens Institute of Technology

Shafaullah Bashary Hotak, University of Passau

Shah Hussain Adib, Southern New Hampshire University

Shakofa Barakzai, Turin University

Shawkatullah Muslimwal, Southern Illinois University of Carbondale

Shekiba, RMIT University

Siyar Ershad, Kazan Federal University

Sohail Jahed, University of Central Florida

Sulaiman Assadullah, University of Missouri

Sulaiman Sherzad, Michigan Technological Universities

Tahmina Sobat, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Tamana Dawi, Niagara University

Wahid Salsaal Technische Universität Graz

Wahidullah Azizi, University of Potsdam

Wasila Adeem University of Manchester

Wasiuddin Najam, Texas Tech University

Wasiuddin Najam, Texas Tech University

Zahra Amiri, University of Kansas

Zahra Amiri, Southern New Hampshire University

Zahra Amiri, Stevens Institute of Technology

Zahra Rezai, Vanderbilt university

Zainab Azizi, Governors State University

Zakera Azizi, University of Miami

Zaki Rasa, University of Porto

Zakira Rasooli, University of Notre Dame

Zeinab Rezai, Colorado State University

Zuhal Nasrat, Syracuse University

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