Here we go again? Silicon Valley Bank and the current banking crisis

Video and transcript from event
Close up photo of the word "bank" engraved on a stone building

Defund the banks? The recent failures of Silicon Valley Bank, Sovereign Bank, and internationally, Credit Suisse, have brought new focus on banks, their ability to pay depositors, and the role of central banks in regulating and ensuring the stability of our financial system.

On March 29, 2023, HHEI hosted an impromptu discussion on the current banking crisis and policies going forward. Panelists:

V.V. Chari, Paul W. Frenzel Land Grant Professor of Liberal Arts

Terry Fitzgerald, Adjunct Professor and Retired Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Christopher Phelan, Professor of Economics


Read the transcript of the event.

Watch the video recording.

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Suggested for further reading:

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