Alumni Profile: Esteban Perez Cortez (M. HSPH '21)

HSPH Track: Public History
Esteban Perez Cortez HSPH Alum '21

What advice would you have for prospective and current students?

Solidify community partnerships. The program really emphasizes this with your capstone project, but creating a bond early on is never a bad thing. Take advantage of the resources provided to you. HSPH has a ton of resources and connections are at your disposal just waiting to be used. LATIS, the Library, library equipment, the recording booths. The instructors themselves have a wealth of information and connections and are always open to discuss the idea you think is wild. They enjoy wild ideas to explore for projects, internships, collaboration, you name it, always advocate for yourself. In the program you will be supported by the amazing faculty and directors. If you have a burning question about an internship, class or anything, just ask and I can guarantee the faculty has already been thinking about it.

What do you do in your current position?

I currently work in Refugee Settlement in the Refugee Services department at the Minnesota of Churches. My current job is outreach and recruitment of community groups who can help refugee families get settled living in the United States for 6 months. I get to drive around the metro talking to community groups, churches, and other non-profits. Outside of that I help with interpretation, transportation and other case management tasks. 

What was your favorite restaurant, park, museum or other place in the Twin Cities?

My favorite restaurant was anywhere I went with my friends. There's no shortage of great food in the Twin Cities, ranging from Somali, Vietnamese, Hmong, Mexican, Salvadoran, Chinese, and Black establishments between both cities. I would name a favorite but there are so many I've tried. My favorite museum is probably the American Swedish Institute just because of my previous work connection there. I always enjoyed visiting there with my friends to show them where I worked and see their faces when they first looked inside the mansion where the museum is housed. I recommend everyone stop by. The East Side Freedom Library is another great library where I liked to spend time. The previous director was a former Macalester professor who really advocates for immigrants and workers and the way he runs the Library, it really shows. 

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