Alumni Profile: Simiyha Garrison (M. HSPH '20)

HSPH Track: Public History
HSPH Alumna: Simiyha Garrison

Why did you choose HSPH?

When I visited Minnesota in April of 2018 it felt like home, although I had never been before. Professor Greg Donofrio, the director of HSPH at the time, provided an amazing two-day tour. My mentor at the time knew Professor Kevin Murphy, a faculty member in the program, and he was as awesome as she described. Profs. Donofrio and Murphy went out of their way to accommodate me even before I accepted their offer.

What do you do in your current position?

I am currently a doctoral student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the American Studies Phd program; focusing on food, race, and culture within the African Diaspora. I am also a Southern Futures fellow. Through this opportunity I am able to continue my multi-method research throughout the summer. 

In what ways did the HSPH program prepare you for your current position?

HSPH prepared me for my current position by allowing me to learn through experience and not just by the book. We were given the opportunity to conduct various internships for three semesters. Everything was community-based and hands-on so that our resumes accurately reflect what we are capable of.

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