Workshop: Developing AI-specific Digital Literacy Skills

Event Date & Time
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Event Location
312 Bruininks Hall

222 Pleasant Street Se
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Machine Translation and Generative AI in Language Education: Opening Dialogues, A Three Session Event

How can AI-specific digital literacy skills support language learning? The premise of this workshop is that by developing these digital literacy skills instructors can make informed decisions around if, when, and how to integrate machine learning tools into existing curricula and learners can engage with them critically to support their language/culture learning. At the functional level, we learn about the affordances and limitations of the tools in order to accomplish particular goals. Participants will explore the probability-based nature of large language models that undergird machine learning tools and they will compare tool functionalities and strategies for use. At the critical level, we question the neutrality of digital tools to identify and challenge the biases and ideologies embedded in them and in their uses. Participants will explore gender bias and standard language ideologies as well as ethical considerations related to questions of sustainability and ethics in the classroom and beyond. Throughout, participants will gain practical, hands-on experience by engaging in pedagogical activities that can then be adapted for use in the classroom.

This practice-oriented hands-on workshop will offer opportunities to explore some tool functionalities and uses at all levels of instruction. The workshop is geared towards all audiences, including graduate instructors, graduate students, coordinators, and administrators. 

Participants are encouraged to bring their own devices (e.g., laptop, tablet). 

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