What’s Next for Voting? Still Marching Toward the Mountaintop

Part of the What's Next? event series
Event Date & Time
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One of the 10 Demands from the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was comprehensive civil rights legislation guaranteeing the right to vote for all Americans. August 2023 marked the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, and July 2, 2024 marked the 60th anniversary of the passage of the Civil Rights Act, which provided many protections for voting rights.  

Throughout the event, panelists and attendees reflected on advancements in voting rights since the March on Washington, explored efforts in Minnesota and elsewhere to expand voting rights and access to voting, and discussed barriers to voting such as apathy, misinformation, and voter suppression.  

Check out the visual notes taken during the panel discussion and the Working Lunch, share them with individuals within your network and consider implementing some of the action steps that were provided during the Working Lunch.

We also encourage you to engage with and share the What's Next for Voting Resource Guide.  Sharing these documents and identifying actions that you can take to help maximize voting in all elections will help to expand the impact of this event beyond those who attended.


Co-Presenter: Minnesota Humanities Center




What's Next? Roundtable Series

The College of Liberal Arts is hosting a series of roundtable discussions with community leaders and advocates that ask "What's Next for the Dream?" These discussions will explore where we are nationally and locally with regard to some of the demands  put forward at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered his historic "I Have A Dream" speech. 

Learn more about the What's Next? series

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