Medieval Experiential Learning Series

Featuring Hands-On Learning in Iron Smelting, Calligraphy, and Arms & Armor!
Two scenes of medieval craft. On the left, a man kneels tending the fire in a modern experimental bloomery smelt. On the right, a medieval manuscript shows a scribe at work.
The Center for Premodern Studies is excited to announce a series of events to explore the medieval world through primary documents and hands-on experimentation with weaponry, armor, iron smelting, and calligraphy. This series is a great opportunity for undergraduate students curious about the past. We will be posting additional detail about each event in this series in our events feed. If you would like to encourage students in your courses to participate in one or more of these events, please reach out to CPS Associate Director, Lydia Garver, at [email protected].
Events in the Series

Medieval Iron Smelting (October 12-13) with Dr. Andrew J. Welton. Welton will work with volunteers to build a clay chimney for the smelt on the first day and then smelt iron ore on day two. Non-volunteers will be able to drop by the site of the smelt and observe the process. We will have information about volunteering available on the event post.

Weapons, Armor, and Battlefield Medicine (November 8) with Dr. Amanda Taylor of the Oakeshott Institute and the curators of the Wangensteen Library, Lois Hendrickson and Dr. Emily Beck. This event will be hosted at the Wangensteen Library on November 8th. 10 am - noon. The Oakeshott Institute will bring some examples of weapons and armor from their collections. The Wangensteen will have books and manuscripts from their collection on display. 

A Taste of Calligraphy (November 28): A hands-on workshop on calligraphy with local calligraphy artist Janey Westin, an expert in medieval calligraphy and professional stone carver/sculptor; member and past president of the Colleagues of Calligraphy. This event will be hosted by the James Ford Bell Library on November 28th from  11:15 am - 12:30 pm. Registration will be required, and participants are expected to arrive at 11:15 am and stay for the duration of the workshop. The curators of the James Ford Bell Library, Dr. Marguerite Ragnow and Dr. Anne Good, will also have special collections items on view.

This series is consponsored by the CPS Medieval Studies Fund.

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