
For Kirtley Interviews 2011-2014, click here.

For Kirtley Interviews 2006-2010, click here.

For Kirtley Interviews 1999-2005, click here.

December 21, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in The Progressive in an article entitled, “Five Years After Sandy Hook, Major US Papers Still Have a Serious Gun Problem.”  The article is available online.

December 6, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in for Maple Grove, MN in a story entitled, “Jacob Wetterling Files: Feds Sue For Return Of Documents.”  The story is available online.

December 5, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in The Guardian (UK) in a story in entitled, “Tech firms fail to stop abusive content - leaving the public to do the dirty work.”  The story is available online.

December 3, 2017—Profesor Jane Kirtley was a guest on The Roy Green Show on Corus Radio Network (Canada) on during Segment 1, discussing the wave of allegations, firings and resignations involving public figures, including NBC's Matt Lauer, accused of sexual misconduct.  Information about the program is available online.

December 3, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in CNN Money in an article entitled, “Trump says investors should sue ABC News.  Experts beg to differ.”  The article is available online.

November 30, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed on MPR News with Tom Weber during the 11:00 a.m. half hour, discussing the dismissal of Garrison Keillor for alleged sexual misconduct. Additional information about the program is online.

November 29, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO radio's Paul and Jordana Show during the 5:00 p.m. half hour, discussing President Trump's latest Tweets of videos of alleged Muslim attacks.  Additional information about the program is available online.

November 29, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an Associated Press story entitled, “Post story on failed sting is valuable journalism lesson.”  The story is available online.

November 27, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WGN Radio's "The John Williams Show," discussing Trump's latest Tweets criticizing the press, and the New York Times' controversial story about a neo-Nazi. Additional information is available online.

November 3, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story for The Wrap entitled “#MeToo Stories Can Lead to Libel Suits.”  The story is available online.

Oct. 26, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in this Minnesota Daily story published entitled “Study shows students confused, divided on First Amendment.”  The article is available online.

October 19, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for KARE 11's "Breaking the News", talking about First Amendment rights on college campuses. Information about the issue and the accompanying video are available online.

October 13, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune entitled, “Rejected pick to lead Minneapolis Fourth Precinct sues Mayor Hodges for defamation.”  The article is available online.

October 12, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed on KARE 11's "Breaking the News" show, discussing Twitter's suspension of Rose McGowan's account.  Information about the issue is available online.

October 10, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the New York Times entitled, “Talking About the N.F.L. Protests With Kids.”  The article is available online.

October 8, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the Roy Green Show carried on the Corus Radio Network (Canada) during Hour 2, segments 3 and 4, discussing media ethics and fake news.  Information about the program is available online.

October 6, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Williams Show on WGN radio (Chicago) on discussing President Trump and fake news.  The interview is available online.

October 2, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story for The Wrap entitled, “High School Colin Kaepernicks: You Can Take a Knee During the National Anthem.”  The story is available online.

September 15, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune entitled, “$74,400 investigation into U leak ends inconclusively.”  The article is available online.

September 10, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article in The Wrap entitled, “Hulk Hogan’s Lawyer Takes on Jezebel: Why Gawker’s Sister Site Won’t Be as Easy to Beat in Court.”  The article is available online.

September 6, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article in Med City Beat, based in Rochester, MN.  The article, entitled “Media’s decision to publish anonymous email raises ethical questions,” is available online.

August 25, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a CNN Money article about Sarah Palin's suit against the New York Times.  The article, entitled, “Sarah Palin’s lawsuit against New York Times caps tough years in courtroom for media companies” can be found online.

August 23, 2017—Professor  Jane Kirtley was interviewed for KSTP's 5 Eyewitness News Evening during the 4:30 half hour, discussing the Minnesota Supreme Court's plan to begin live streaming oral arguments. The segment was also carried during the 6:30 p.m. half hour on August 23. Information about the program is available online.

August 15, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed briefly on WCCO radio's Paul and Jordana Show from about 5:25 to 5:30 p.m., discussing the law governing "hate speech."  Information about the program is available online.

August 15, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO Radio's Morning News show guest-hosted by John Hines, discussing the differences between free speech and hate speech. Information about the program is available online.

August 15, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on MPR News with Tom Weber discussing legal protections for "hate speech" and for protests and demonstrations.  The interview is available online.

August 14, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Salon article about Eric Bolling's libel lawsuit.  The article, entitled “Eric Bolling’s defamation suit is bad for journalism (and bad for Eric Bolling)” is available online.

August 4, 2017—Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story for Yahoo News entitled, “Sessions vows to crack down on leakers - and sends a warning to reporters.”  The article is available online.

July 24, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WGN (Chicago) radio's "The John Williams Show" discussing the New York Times' demand for an apology from Fox & Friends for accusations made about its reporting.  The interview can be accessed online.

July 20, 2017—Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in The Wrap entitled, “Even If O.J. Simpson Earns Big Bucks, He Can’t Keep His Money.”  The story is available online.

July 17, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minneapolis Star Tribune story entitled, “Minneapolis hate crime hot line becomes a lightening rod.”  The story is available online.

July 12, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest during the 3:30 half hour on WCCO Radio, talking with Jordana Green about the Donald Trump,  Jr. Russian emails, and how they compare with reports that the DNC may have received information from Ukrainian interests.  Information about the program is available online.

July 8, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest during the 8:00 p.m. half hour on WCCO radio's "Saturday Night with Esme Murphy," discussing President Trump's continuing battles with CNN.  Information about the program is available online.

July 6, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on AirTalk on KPCC, Southern California Public Radio. Topic was CNN's decision not to name the Reddit user who altered an old WWE video to make it appear that President Trump was "roughing up" CNN. Information about the program is available online.

July 3, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article for The Street.  Entitled, “Trump’s War with CNN Is Failing, New Ratings Say,” the article is available online.

June 29, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley is quoted in an article in Paste magazine.  The article, entitled, “‘Rally Round the Flag’: Will the Press Have Trump’s Back if He Starts a War?” is available online.

June 28, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Law360 article entitled, “ABC Trial Broadcasts Media’s Liability in ‘Fake News’ Era,” about the ABC/pink slime settlement. The article is available online.

June 28, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted by The Wrap on the ABC/"pink slime" libel case settlement entitled, “ Why ABC’s ‘Pink Slime’ Settlement Is a Red Flag for Free Press.”  The story is available online.

June 28, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an Associated Press story on the settlement in the ABC/"pink slime" libel case. Entitled, “ABC, meet producer settle in $1.9B ‘pink slime’ libel suit,” the story is available online.

June 28, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on KPCC (Southern California Public Radio) "AirTalk" show, discussing the resignation of CNN reporters whose story was retracted because it did not meet the network's editorial standards.  Audio of the program is available online.

June 27, 2017—KSTP’s 5 Eyewitness News broadcast an interview with Professor Jane Kirtley, discussing the efforts of the Wetterling family to block release of some of the investigative files in the Jacob Wetterling kidnapping/murder case.  The interview was broadcast at  6:30 p.m. and at 10 p.m. Excerpts of the interview also aired on 5 Eyewitness News at 6 a.m. on June 28, 2017.

June 19, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Wisconsin Public Radio's Joy Cardin Show, discussing how the mainstream media should handle controversial figures.  Audio of the interview is available online.

June 17, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Saturday Night with Esme Murphy on WCCO radio, discussing how the media should cover controversial figures such as Alex Jones.  Information about the program is available online.

June 17, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Saturday Night with Esme Murphy on WCCO radio, discussing how the media should cover controversial figures such as Alex Jones.  Information about the program is available online.

June 15, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the Mike McIntee Show on KTNF radio (Minneapolis), discussing the attempts by the Wetterling family to seal criminal investigative files pertaining to their case. Podcasts of the program are available online.

June 14, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley is quoted in a MarketWatch story entitled, “Trump supporters disrupt Public Theater’s production of ‘Julius Caesar’ in Central Park.”  The story is available online.

June 13, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in two stories published online by The Street.  The first, entitled, “Time Warner’s Support for Trumpian ‘Julius Caesar’ Shouldn’t Be a Surprise” is available online. The second, entitled, “Megyn Kelly May Have Just damaged Her Star Power With Jones Interview,” is available online.

June 13, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Jordana Green's show on WCCO radio on during the 5:30 p.m. half hour on a variety of media topics.  The interview is available online under “Tuesday June 13th."

June 12, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article in Minnesota Lawyer entitled, “Wetterling suit sparks worries about fate of public record law.”  The article is available online.

June 7, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on MPR's Morning Edition, discussing the Wetterling family's lawsuit to block public access to portions of the closed investigatory file involving their son's murder.  Audio of the interview is available online.

June 5, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Williams Show on WGN radio (Chicago), discussing calls for social media to try to shut down terrorists' communications.  Audio of the interview is available online. Additional information about the John Williams program is available online.

May 31, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for National Public Radio's All Things Considered, discussing the "pink slime" libel suit in South Dakota. An abbreviated transcript of the interview is available online.

May 30, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted an Associated Press story about the upcoming trial in the "pink slime" libel case. The story was carried by The Washington Post.

May 22, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the Roy Green Show, carried on the Corus Radio Network in Canada, on during the 4 p.m. hour. Topic was use of unnamed sources in news stories about the Trump administration. Audio of the interview is available online.

May 20, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Saturday Night with Esme Murphy on WCCO Radio during the 6:30 p.m. half hour. The topic was "alternative news" stories generated by media supporting President Trump, and the death of Roger Ailes and the future of Fox News. Audio of the interview is available online.

May 8, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story entitled, “Court’s delays threaten city policy on prompt release of police shooting videos,” published in the Chicago Tribune. The story is available online.

May 1, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WGN’s (Chicago) The John Williams Show, discussing suggestions from President Trump's administration that he wants to change the libel laws. Additional information about the program is available online.

April 29, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune entitled, “Belle Plaine veterans park to include satanic monument.” The story is available online.

April 19, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minneapolis Star Tribune article entitled, “Burnsville's Ames Center drops play by biracial writer over use of word 'Mulatto' in title,” about censorship at a Burnsville theatre.  The article is available online.

April 18, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for KARE 11's "Breaking the News," discussing Facebook and its role in curating material posted online.  Additional information is available online.

April 7, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Reuters story about a lawsuit brought by President Trump against Twitter to reveal the identity of an account claimed to be held by an immigration service employee.  The story was also picked up by other news organizations.  The story can be found online here, here, and here.

April 6, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Law360 article entitled “MLBers' Al Jazeera Suit Could Chill Future Doping Coverage.”  The story is available online behind a paywall.

April 2, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minneapolis Star Tribune article entitled, “U of Minnesota bias response team walks fine line.”  The article is available online.

March 14, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Williams Show on WGN Radio (Chicago), discussing the latest statements from Sean Spicer regarding President Trump's tweet accusing President Obama of authorizing wiretaps of Trump Tower.  A recording of the interview is available online.

March 10, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for the Washington Post's podcast, "Can He Do That?", discussing the law and history governing media relations with the president of the United States. A recording of the interview is available online.

February 27, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on KPCC radio's "Airtalk", discussing the media's use of anonymous sources. The program is available online.

February 27, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by MPR for a segment entitled, “Free Speech and the ‘weaponization’ of political correctness.  The interview aired on MPR News Presents at noon and 9 p.m.  The program is available online.

February 25, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in the Minneapolis Star Tribune in a story entitled, “Tensions escalate as media barred,” about President Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer prohibiting some news organizations from attending a briefing.

February 24, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on "The John Williams Show" on WCCO radio during the 5 p.m. half hour.  With guest host Jordana Green, she discussed the White House excluding some news media from the Friday afternoon press "gaggle." Information about the program is available online.

February 24, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by KARE 11's Zachery Lashway about the Trump administration's decision to ban certain news organizations from a Friday afternoon "gaggle" at the office of the White House press secretary. The interview aired on KARE 11 News at the 5pm broadcast.

February 16, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by Tom Lyden of Fox 9 about the "fake news" phenomenon. The interview is available online.

February 7, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on The John Williams Show on WCCO radio during the 3:00 hour. The topic was President Trump's claims that the media are not reporting on terrorist attacks.  Additional information about the program is available online.

February 1, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in Proceso, a Mexican magazine. The article, entitled in English as “Trump and his war against the press,” is available online. Google will offer an English translation of the article if requested.

January 24, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by the Voice of American Chinese service, discussing executive authority and the media under US law. The article is entitled, “ President Trump has taken up the US media challenge,” and is available online. Google will offer an English translation of the article if requested.

January 21, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO radio's "Saturday Night with Esme Murphy" during the 6:30 p.m. half hour. Topic was "fake news" and media coverage of the Trump inauguration and protests. Information about the program is available online.

January  16, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Tokyo Daily News about the existence of a scandalous Russian video involving Donald Trump.  The article is available online.

January 16, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Politifact article about President Trump's threat to "open up the libel laws." The article, entitled, “Open up libel laws,” is available online.

January 15, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Salon article entitled, “’Kompromat,’ media ethics and the law: What happens it a Russian scandal video of Donald Trump does surface?” The article is available online.

January 14, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the Roy Green Show, syndicated on the Corus Radio Network in Canada, discussion "mainstream media coverage of Donald Trump". Information about the program is available online.

January 12, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on KPCC/Southern California Public Radio's "Airtalk" discussing the law and ethics of publishing the dossier on President-Elect Trump. Additional information is available online.

January 12, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley is quoted in a story posted on Vox entitled, “3 experts on the legality of BuzzFeed’s decision to publish an unverified document.” The article is available online.

January 11, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO radio's John Williams Show during the 5 p.m. segment, discussing media decisions to publish allegations about President Elect Donald Trump's relationship with Russia. Information about the program is available online.

January 11, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for KARE 11's "Breaking the News" show. She discussed Donald Trump's press conference earlier that day and his claims that the media are reporting "fake news." Additional information is available online.

January 11, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Bloomberg News story entitled, “Trump’s News Conference Bravado Foreshadows Tone for His Term.” The article is available online.

January 6, 2017—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Bloomberg News story entitled, “Trump Call for Leak Probe Suggests No Let-Up in Fight with Media. The article is available online.

December 28, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on The John Williams Show on WCCO radio on during the 6 p.m.hour, discussing the renaissance of traditional news media after the recent election with guest host Jordana Green.  Information about the program is available online.

December 29, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Hines Show on WCCO radio on, discussing the libel suit filed against CBS by JonBenet Ramsey's brother.  Information about the program is available online.

December 18, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on "The Roy Green Show," which airs on the Corus Radio Network in Canada. The topic was media coverage of the 2016 election.  Information about the program is available online.

December 7, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a New York Times story entitled, “Girl Posting to Twitter from Aleppo Gains Sympathy, but Doubts Follow.”  The story is available online.

November 23, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minnesota Daily story entitled, “U Experts Discuss Trump’s Potential Impact on the Press.”  The story is available online.

November 22, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was the guest on "Access Minnesota" radio show, which aired during the week of 11/27/16 on many Minnesota radio stations. The topic was Trump and the news media.  The program is available online.

November 17, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minnpost article by Brian Lambert, entitled, “Of Course Fake News on Facebook Is a Real Problem.”  The article is available online.

November 15, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Hines Show on WCCO radio during the11 a.m. segment, discussing Google and Facebook's plans to crack down on "fake news" sites.  More information about John Hines’ show is available online.

November 14, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for KARE-11 about the FCC regulation of "indecent" language in light of the November 12 broadcast of "Saturday Night Live."  The interview aired during the6 p.m.newscast that evening on KARE-11 News.  The station’s website can be found online.

November 14, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Williams Show on WCCO radio during the 6p.m. segment, discussing the New York Times' "apology" to its readers about its election coverage.  More information about John William’s program is available online.

November 10, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Bloomberg News article entitled, “War Between Trump, Media Seen Escalating with Presidency’s Power.” The article is available online.

November 4, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article posted on CNN entitled “Rolling Stone found liable for defamation for rape story.” The article is available online.

October 29, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Saturday Night with Esme Murphy on WCCO Radio during the 7:30 pm half-hour. She spoke about Donald Trump's assertion that the electoral system is rigged and the media is against him. The interview is available online.

October 24, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on KPCC's (Southern California Public Radio), "AirTalk," speaking about the ethics of journalists contributing to election campaigns. The interview is available online.

October 20, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Williams Show on WCCO radio during the 3:30 half hour. She talked about media bias in the election season with guest host Mike Max. The program is available online.

October 23, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed on KSTP TV discussing the refusal of law enforcement officials to take questions at the press conference concerning the Jamar Clark internal affairs investigation. It aired on KSTP's 5 Eyewitness News at 6 and 10 p.m., and 45 News at 9 p.m. on October 22, and on KSTP's 5 Eyewitness News AM. The interview is available online.

October 14, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article entitled, “Donald Trump’s threat to sue the New York Times for defamation, explained by legal experts.” The article appeared on the Vox website, available online.

October 14, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article entitled, “Trump hasn’t sued a newspaper for libel in decades, records show.” The article appeared on the Reuters website, available online.

October 12, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article entitled, “‘Unseemly and illegitimate’: The conflict at the center of the final presidential debate.” The article appeared on the ThinkProgress website, available online.

October 3, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article entitled, “Why Donald Trump doesn’t have a case against The New York Times.”  The article appeared on the CNN Money website, available online.

September 29, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in “Today’s WORD in Journalism” in a posting entitled, “Outrageous.”  The item is available online.

September 26, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article entitled, “Special Investigation: Hundreds of hidden Long Island cases are often sealed improperly.”  The article appeared on the Newsday website, available online.

September 23, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article entitled, “Withholding police videos: Making people safer, or just less informed?”  The article appeared on the Injustice Watch site, available online.

September 26, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a article entitled, “What should viewers expect from Clinton-Trump debate moderator Lester Holt?” The article is available online.

September 21, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an AFP story about a Washington Post editorial that called for the prosecution of Edward Snowden. The story was carried by several news outlets, and are available here, here, and here.

September 20, 2016 - Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a commentary entitled, “Obama loses battle to keep World War II records secret” posted on the Poynter website. The article is available online.

Sept.17, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune entitled, 'Court slaps restraining order on blogger.' The story ran on page A1 in the print edition.

September 14, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Hines Show on WCCO radio (with guest host Roshini Rajkumar) during the 9 am hour, discussing a new Minnesota Court of Appeals decision construing the state reporters shield law, and a U.S. House bill that would prohibit service providers from making customers sign agreements that they will not write negative reviews. Information about the John Hines program is available online.

September 14, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an online commentary entitled, “Obama skewers media for aiding Trump but omits his own suspect press record,” posted on the Poynter website. The article is available online.

September 13, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minneapolis Star Tribune article entitled: “Mixed Blood Theatre files $350,000 claim on Prince’s estate.” The story is available online.

September 10, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted the Guardian in a story entitled, “‘Facebook needs an editor’: media experts urge change after photo dispute.” The story is available online.

September 8, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by WCCO’s Heather Brown for a segment entitled, “Good Question: Where Can and Can’t We Take Photos?” The video is available online.

August 27, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in the Minneapolis Star Tribune in an article entitled: “Tevlin: Metro Transit case weakens government transparency.” The article was about the Minnesota Supreme Court’s recent ruling on access to transit videos. The article is available online.

August 26, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article on Law 360 entitled, “Pressure Mounts on ESPN To Settle Pierre-Paul Privacy Case.” The article is available online.

August 25, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Chicago Tribune story entitled, “U. of C. tells incoming freshmen it does not support ‘trigger warnings’ or ‘safe spaces.’” The story is available online.

July 25, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for WCCO 4 "News at 10" on for the "Good Question" segment, discussing WikiLeaks.  The segment is available online.

July 21, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minneapolis Star Tribune story entitled “Melania Trump’s speech may be a lesson for students.  The article is available online.

July 15, 2016—Professor. Jane Kirtley was a guest on Twin Cities Public Television's "Almanac," which aired live that day. The topic was data privacy issues raised by the popular augmented reality game, Pokemon Go.  Information about the program is available online.

July 7, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on The John Williams Show on WCCO Radio during the5 p.m.half hour.  The program is available online.

July 7, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by Jana Shortal "Breaking the News" on KARE 11 television in Minneapolis, speaking about the shooting of Philandro Castile.  The program is available online.

July 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted the July 2016 issue of the American Bar Association (ABA) Journal in an article entitled “50 Years Later, Freedom of Information Act Still Chipping Away at Government’s Secretive Culture.”  The article is available online.

June 25, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Saturday Night with Esme Murphy on WCCO radio on during the 6:30 p.m. half hour, discussing a civil rights lawsuit brought by a Pittsburgh television anchor who was fired following complaints about some posts she made on Facebook.  Saturday Night with Esme Murphy can be found online.

June 21, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune entitled “Minnesota Court of Appeals Finds Sexting Law Unconstitutional.”  The story is available online.

June 18, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO radio's Saturday Night with Esme Murphy during the 6 p.m. half hour. The topic was the Jesse Ventura libel suit.  Saturday Night with Esme Murphy can be found online.

June 16, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by Nicandro Iannacci of We the People for a podcast posted on the National Constitution Center website. The podcast, entitled “Gawker, Hulk Hogan and the First Amendment” is available online.

June 16, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minnesota Lawyer article entitled “In Ventura Ruling, Experts See No Clear Victory.” The story is available online.

June 15, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in the Minneapolis Star Tribune in a story entitled “Will Ventura Seek New Trial in ‘American Sniper’ Defamation Case?”  The story is available online.

June 14, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on The John Williams Show on WCCO radio during the4:30 p.m.half hour. The topic was the Jesse Ventura libel suit.  The John Williams Show can be found online.

June 13, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in the Minneapolis Star Tribune in a story entitled “Court Overturns Verdict in Ventura Defamation Case.”  The story is available online.

May 27, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a New York Times story entitled, “Thiel-Gawker Fight Raises Concerns About Press Freedom.” The article is available online.

May 20, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article entitled, “Pierre-Paul Medical Docs Release May Be Trouble for ESPN”, published online by Law360.  The article was about New York Giants defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul and his lawsuit against ESPN regarding reports of injuries the athlete suffered in a fireworks incident.  The article is available online.

May 11, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Williams Show on WCCO radio. The topic was revelations that Facebook uses "human curators" for Facebook’s news feeds allegedly skewed trending stories to omit conservative issues.  More information about the John Williams Show is available online.

May 5, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley’s essay about the role of free speech on a college campus was published by the Minnesota Daily in an article entitled, “After school year of protests, debate ensues.”  The article is available online.

April 12, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in The Christian Science Monitor in a story entitled, “American woman jailed for insulting United Arab Emirates.”  The story is available online.

March 29, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a commentary posted on the Poynter Institute’s website. The article, entitled, “What Obama missed by stroking and skewering the press” is available online.

March 26, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Williams Show on WGN Radio (Chicago), discussing the Hulk Hogan case and the controversies surrounding political attacks on the spouses of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Information about the John Williams program is available online.

March 23, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a MinnPost article entitled, “The Hulk Hogan verdict is very bad for journalism, even if the tape wasn’t ‘news’.” The article is available online.

March 21, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Hines Show on WCCO radio on, discussing the Hulk Hogan case. Information about the John Hines program is available online.

March 7, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a commentary entitled, “Ted Cruz says the media is waiting to publish its most damaging Donald Trump exposés. That doesn’t make sense.” The article originally ran in The Washington Post and is available here and here.

March 7, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a CNN story entitled, “Hulk Hogan and Gawker head to court over decade-old sex tape,” about the lawsuit brought by Hulk Hogan against Gawker. The article is available online.

March 2, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in this story entitled, “Case Against Santilli So Far Largely Based On Words,” that aired on Oregon Public Broadcasting. The story was about internet radio host Peter Santilli and his “strong and at times even offensive statements” while he covered the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The article is available online. The interview also aired on NPR/WBUR's "Here and Now" show on March 9, 2016.

March 1, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article in PolitiFact, entitled, “Donald Trump wrong that New York Times can’t be sued for a ‘story that they know is false.” The article is available online.

February 3, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article in The Chicago Reader, entitled, “How Chicago’s ‘Fraternal Order of Propaganda’ shapes the story of fatal police shootings.” In the article, Professor Kirtley argues that journalists need to be critical of messages from the Fraternal Order of Police, which often come "with an authoritative veneer" despite their biased point of view. “The union has its own agenda," she said, adding that it is often motivated by "an even stronger incentive to maintain the reputation of its members." Her advice for journalists is to always make clear when a statement can't be backed up and explain the limitations of the information available. "This is what we heard according to the FOP, which is the police union—not everybody knows that." The article is available online.

February 2, 2016—Professor Kirtley’s January 29, 2016 interview with “On the Media” was mentioned in a Slate article entitled, “Is an Anti-Abortion Activist with a Camera a Journalist?” The article is available online.

January 30, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune entitled, “’The First 48’ won’t hand over footage in Minneapolis double homicide case.”  The story is available online.

January 30, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Saturday Night with Esme Murphy on WCCO radio.  The topic was the Planned Parenthood investigation.  Audio of the interview is available online.

January 29, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was the “favored guest” in the 3 p.m. half hour on the John Williams Show on WCCO radio, discussing her upcoming Fulbright at the University of Latvia. Information about the John Williams program is available online.

January 29, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest for the edition of On the Media, produced by WNYC public radio. The topic was “Laws of the Lying Game,” and Professor Kirtley discussed the legal and ethical issues arising from deceptive newsgathering techniques in the context of the indictment of anti-abortion activists for using fraud to procure recordings of Planned Parenthood staff.  Audio of the interview is available online.

January 25, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for a segment of KARE 11's Breaking the News, discussing news media political endorsements.  Video of the interview is available online.

January 17, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a column in the St. Paul Pioneer Press entitled, “Ruben Rosario: 'El Chapo' is as much a hero as Sean Penn is a journalist.” The article is available online.

January 16, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on The John Williams Show on WGN radio (Chicago), discussing Sean Penn’s recent profile of El Chapo in Rolling Stone. The interview is available online.

January 11, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO Morning News with Dave Lee during in the 8:00 a.m. segment, discussing the ethics of the Rolling Stone/Sean Penn/El Chapo matter. Information about Lee’s program is available online.

January 11, 2016—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Air Talk on KPCC (Southern California Public Radio) discussing Sean Penn's interview with El Chapo. Additional information is available online.

December 15, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune entitled, “”Courtroom sketching: Our eye into how criminal justice is served.”  The article is available online.


November 22, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was the guest on Access Minnesota speaking about First Amendment issues on college campuses.  Access Minnesota is produced by the Minnesota Broadcasters Association, and airs on Minnesota radio stations each weekend. The broadcast is available online.

November 10, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for WCCO television’s Good Question segment, speaking about the efforts of protestors who tried to physically block the press from covering their demonstrations at the University of Missouri. The interview is available online.

November 7, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by the Voice of America for a story about radio stations in the United States that are owned by the Chinese government. The interview is available online.

November 3, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO Radio's The John Williams Show during the 3:30 half hour. The topic was the attempts of Republican presidential candidates to change the format of the debates. A podcast of the interview is available online. Information about the John Williams program is available online.

October 27, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minnpost article entitled, “Jesse Ventura, Chris Kyle and the problem with the celebrity-publishing complex,” concerning the Jesse Ventura case. The article is available online.

October 24, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on "Saturday Night with Esme Murphy" on WCCO Radio. The topic was the appeal in the Jesse Ventura libel case. The podcast is available online. Information about Esme Murphy’s program is available online.

October 24, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the Roy Green show, a Canadian radio talk show carried on the Corus Radio Network. The topic was whether a reporter who disclosed that the wife of Canadiens goaltender Carey Price is pregnant violated the couple's privacy. The podcast is available online. Additional information about the program is available online.

October 22, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minnesota Lawyer article entitled, “Panel hears appeal in Ventura defamation award,” about the Jesse Ventura libel appeal. The article is available online.

October 19, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune entitled, “The media bring out the big guns as the Ventura verdict goes to 8th Circuit.”  The article is available online.

October 19, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Hines Show on at 10:10 a.m. She discussed the Ventura-Kyle lawsuit appeal. The podcast is available online.

October 7, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an editorial in the St. Paul Pioneer Press entitled, “St. Paul’s emails purge: Pioneer Press editorial.” It is available online.

September 8, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley is quoted in an article entitled, “MN Daily alum stuck overseas in Thailand” in the Minnesota Daily. The article is available online.

September 1, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Boston Globe entitled," Hacker known for work with Anonymous launches digital news service." The article is available online.

August 26, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on KPCC's (Southern California Public Radio) AirTalk show, discussing the media coverage of the shooting of two journalists in Virginia. The interview is available online.

August 24, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on KPCC's (Southern California Public Radio) AirTalk show. The topic was the ethics of media coverage of the Ashley Madison data breach. The interview is available online.

August 24, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for a story on KMSP (Fox 9) about a photojournalist and University of Minnesota graduate who has been arrested in Thailand after covering the aftermath of a bombing in Bangkok for possessing a bullet-proof vest without a permit, contrary to Thai law. The story aired that evening on the Fox 9 at 9 and Fox 9 at 10 evening newscasts. The interview is available online.

August 11, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article for the International Press Institute entitled, “Ambiguities in U.S. Law of War Manual pose potential threat to press freedom.” The article is available online.

August 3, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story entitled: “EXCLUSIVE: The Restrictions Journalists Agreed To In Order to Attend The Koch Brothers’ Conference” posted on the Think Progress site.  The article is available online.

August 3, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a MinnPost article entitled "Has the mainstream media been responsible in the way it’s reported the lion-killing story?”  The article is available online.

August 2, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in the St. Paul Pioneer Press’s lead editorial in the an article entitled, “St. Paul: The records belong to the public, not to individual employees: Pioneer Press Editorial.”  The article is available online.

August 1, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO radio's "Saturday Night with Esme Murphy,” discussing recent retractions, corrections and errors made by the news media.  The program is available online.

July 26, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Philosophy Talk discussing the topic the "power and perils of satire."  The interview is available online. Philosophy Talk is produced by KALW radio in San Francisco, which aired the program live. The program is syndicated to other radio stations, including KTNF AM 950 in Saint Louis Park, MN.  A list of stations carrying the program is available online.

July 20, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Hines Show on WCCO radio during the11 a.m.segment, discussing the Gawker controversy. The podcast is available online and information about John Hines’s program is available here.

July 22, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on HuffPostLive, discussing the ethics of Gawker publicizing details concerning the CFO of Conde-Nast supposedly soliciting extramarital sex.  The story is available online.

July 20, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Daily Beast story entitled, “Gawker Got In Bed With the Wrong Escort – And Civil War Ensues.”  The article is available online.

July 17, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story entitled, “Gawker’s Ethical Misstep in Outing a Conde Nast Executive,” posted on the Think Progress site. The article is available online.

July 15, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minneapolis Star Tribune story entitled, “Police refuse to identify officer in light rail arrest.” The article is available online.

June 19, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on The John Hines Show on WCCO radio during the 10 a.m. segment, discussing two recent US Supreme Court opinions on free speech and the First Amendment.  The podcast is available online.

June 12, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article in the Spring 2015 issue of The News Media and the Law, entitled, “The Clash of Ethics and Law The Rolling Stonereport, and how professional journalism standards get mixed up in libel cases. The article is available online.

June 10, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on The John Hines Show on WCCO radio during the10 a.m.segment, discussing two recent US Supreme Court opinions on free speech and the First Amendment. The podcast is available online.

May 7, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article in the Minnesota Daily entitled, “Assault victims can face legal issues.”  The article is available online.

May 6, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, entitled “Poster for free-speech forum sets off debate at University of Minnesota.”  The story is available online.

April 24, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article posted on Think Progress entitled “How To Talk About Bruce Jenner.”  The article is available online.

April 16, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an Associated Press story entitled, “Newspaper’s role in Capitol stunt examined.” The article is available online.

April 7, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an article in The Washington Post entitled, “Fraternity supports U-Va. chapter in what could be difficult legal battle.” The article is available online.

April 6, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed on KPCC’s radio "AirTalk" program, discussing the Columbia Journalism School report on the Rolling Stone University of Virginia story. Information about the broadcast is available online.

April 3, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Washington Post story entitled, “How a tabloid came to dominate coverage of the Germanwings disaster.” The article is available online.

April 2, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a New York Times story entitled, “Doubts Intensify About Reports of a Video Made During Germanwings Flight’s Final Moments.” The article is available online.

April 1, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by KCBS radio (San Francisco) about April Fools Day "pranks" in the media.

March 31, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WHYY public radio's Radio Times show, discussing documentaries and the line between journalism and entertainment. The program is available online.

March 31, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a commentary on National Public Radio entitled “Media Mischief on April Fools’ Day.” It is available online.

March 24, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in article in the International Business Times entitled, “Photo of Germanwings Flight 9525 Crash Victims’ Grieving Friends, Family Raises Journalism Ethics Questions.” The article is available online.

March 16, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest with host Roshini Rajkumar on WCCO radio on Monday at 5:10 pm discussing problems in crime reporting.

March 17, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in Time magazine online in an article entitled, “How The Jinx and Serial Strain the Blurry Ethical Lines of Crime Reporting.”  The article is available online.

March 15, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a St. Paul Pioneer Press editorial entitled, “Minnesota: Balancing Freedom and Security in an Age of Technology.”  It is available online.

March 11, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the John Williams Show on WCCO radio during the 6 p.m.hour. She discussed whether Hillary Clinton violated federal law or regulations by using a private email address when she was Secretary of State. The podcast is available online.

March 7, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a panelist at the Inter American Press Association's Midyear Meeting in Panama City, Panama. The panel topic was "Government Control Through the Internet."  Her presentation was covered in La Prensa, the largest daily newspaper in Panama, where she was quoted in this story entitled, “Expertos analizan cómo la tecnología ha cambiado la libertad de expression.”  The article is available online.

March 5, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a St. Paul Pioneer Press story entitled, “Terrorist Image Stirs UMN Conservative Publication Funding Threat.”  It is available online.

March 3, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Minnpost column entitled, “The Death of the ‘Reader Representative.’”  It is available online.

February 26, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted an article entitled, “Amid Race Concerns, UMN Curtails Crime Suspect Descriptions” that appeared in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. The article is available online.

February 24, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in in The Daily Beast in a column entitled, “PC Culture is Taking Over Newsrooms.” The column is available online.

February 15, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO radio's "News and Views" show during the 1:00 p.m. half hour. The topic was the Brian Williams debacle. The program is available online.

February 10, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by KARE 11 about Brian Williams' suspension from NBC News. Her comments appeared in a news story that aired on "KARE 11 News at 10" on and on "KARE 11 News Sunrise" on February 11, 2015.

February 9, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted an International Business Times story entitled “Brian Williams Must Resign from ‘NBC Nightly News’ If Credibility Questions Continue, Experts Say,” about the Brian Williams situation. The article is available online.

February 8, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on The Roy Green Show on the Corus Radio Network in Canada. The topic was revelations about NBC's Brian Williams' embellishment of stories he has told about his reporting experiences.  Additional information about the program is available online.

January 25, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on Access Minnesota, discussing the ethical challenges and dangers confronted by journalists. The program, which aired on radio stations throughout Minnesota during the week of January 25, 2015, is available online.

January 23, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story entitled, “Serious Ethical Question Arising from Journalist’s Participation in Koch Event” on Think Progress. The story is available online.

January 22, 2015—Professor Kirtley was a guest in the 9:30 p.m. half hour on the Jordana Green show on WCCO radio discussing why some news is covered and others is not.  The podcast is available online.

January 21, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a BBC story entitled, “Can a City Sue a TV Channel?” about the threat of the mayor of Paris to sue Fox News over “insults” to her city. The story is available online.

January 20, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Reuters story published about the threat of Paris’s mayor Anne Hidalgo to sue Fox News over "insults" to her city. The story appeared in the Daily Mail, available online, and was also carried by other news organizations, including the Irish Times, the Irish Independent, Al Jazeera, and the French online news site,, available online.

January 10, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by Voice of America Chinese service, discussing the US Supreme Court's issues with new technology and its reluctance to allow cameras in the courtroom. The article is available in Chinese online and a translation of the page is available here.

January 9, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on "The John Hines Show" on WCCO radio, speaking with guest host Esme Murphy about the attacks on Charlie Hebdo in Paris. The interview with Professor Kirtley is available online.

January 7-8, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed on WCCO TV for a story about the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks in Paris. Excerpts from the interview aired on the WCCO News at 10 on January 7 and on WCCO This Morning on January 8, and is available online.

January 7, 2015—Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed on KARE 11 for a story about the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks in Paris. The interview aired on Kare 11 News at 10 on and is available online.