Alumnus Lingzhou Xue Elected Fellow of the IMS
We extend congratulations to School of Statistics alumnus Lingzhou Xue (PhD, ‘12), on being elected a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS). IMS Fellows are lauded for their research accomplishments or field-changing leadership. Xue has been honored, “For influential research contributions to the methodology, theory, and application of high-dimensional statistics, statistical machine learning, and nonparametric statistics; for outstanding contributions and leadership in cross-disciplinary research involving the statistical sciences; and for dedicated service to the profession."
Xue was also elected a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) in 2023. He earned his PhD in 2012 from the School of Statistics studying under his advisor, Hui Zou. He currently serves as a professor of statistics at The Pennsylvania State University.
Congratulations, Lingzhou!