Catherine Guisan is the author of two books, A Political Theory of Identity in European Integration, Oxford: Routledge, 2011, paperback and e-book: October 2012; and Un sens à l’Europe: Gagner la paix (1950-2003), Paris: Editions Odile Jacob, 2003; and over 20 articles. Her research interests focus on Democratic Theory; European Integration Politics; Transnational Ethics; and Citizens’ Participation in International Relations. She is Visiting Associate Professor and has taught at the University of Minnesota since 2001. She has taught also at the Universities of Utrecht and Amsterdam, Netherlands, Grenoble, France and in the graduate program of European University, Saint Petersburg, Russia, as a Fulbright Fellow in 2013.

Beside courses on European Integration Politics, Introduction to Political Theory, and Political Development she has developed three new courses in Democratic Theory: The Politics of Reconciliation, Democracy and the Other, and International Democracy: Dangerous Utopia or Realistic Goal?

Guisan, "Of Political Resurrection and 'Lost Treasures' in Soviet and Russian Politics, Europe-Asia Studies," November 2018 is available in open access.  

Educational Background
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Educational Background

  • Ph.D.: Political Science, University of Minnesota, 2000 -