Language Requirement
Students pursuing a major in African American & African Studies must meet the CLA Second Language Requirement. To meet this requirement, you must either:
- Earn a C- or better (or S) in a fourth-semester language course, or
- Pass the Language Proficiency Exam (LPE)
The CLA Language Testing Program administers a Somali LPE, which is usually taken after four semesters of language study.
Swahili does not have an LPE. Students requesting to use Swahili for their CLA Second Language Requirement without taking courses need to meet with their CLA advisor for a referral to take a Swahili proficiency assessment.
If English is your second language, consult with your advisor about the language requirement.
If you have questions about the LPE and CLA Second Language Requirement, contact your CLA Advisor or our Undergraduate Advisor and Associate Professor, Njeri Githire ([email protected]).