Placement Testing
New: EPT for Standard Somali
The Entrance Placement Test (EPT) for Standard Somali is now available online. The Somali EPT is a course placement test designed to assess your current proficiency in Standard Somali. Standard Somali is the variety of language used in Somalia for education, published writing, and other professional disciplines. This is a placement test designed to evaluate what you already know and place you into the best course for your abilities.
EPT Results
Somali course placement results will be posted on the EPT Home website within five (5) to ten (10) business days of completing the test. To view your EPT results, click on the Login button on the EPT Home Website. Results will not be emailed to you.
Once you receive your results, you are not automatically registered for the course. You must go through the appropriate channels to register for the course you received placement in. If you had previously registered for the course, you do not need to register for the course again - you already have a seat in the course.
The Department of African American & African Studies will place you within the lower division Swahili language sequence upon individual consultation with the instructor. A combination of oral and written methods may be used to determine which class you should start in.
Swahili does not have an LPE. Students requesting to use Swahili for their second language requirement without taking courses need to meet with their CLA advisor for a referral to take a Swahili proficiency assessment.
For Swahili placement, contact our Director of Undergraduate Studies and Associate Professor, Njeri Githire ([email protected]).