Brent Green
222 Pleasant St SE
I am a highly motivated individual who enjoys working with people, and has an immense passion for helping others. I started my journey thinking I wanted to be a physician's assistant and was majoring in psychology/pre-health. After taking a business elective during my second semester I realized I greatly enjoyed the area where business meets psychology. I switched to the David D. Reh School of Business at Clarkson and began majoring in innovation and entrepreneurship with minors in psychology and strategic human resources management.
As a career coach in CLA Career Services, I assist students in defining their career trajectories and obtaining employment through career coaching, professional development programming, and instructing career courses. I also specialize in working with the career fields related to business and technology for the office. Before joining the CLA CS team I was the assistant director for career exploration with the Center for Career Excellence at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY. I coached St. Lawrence students to explore career opportunities and guide their academic choices toward success while working with the director on strategic planning. I also oversaw the Vilas Scholars program and was the center’s liaison to the economics, business in the liberal arts, and finance academic departments.
Prior to working in the Center for Career Excellence at St. Lawrence I was a human resources specialist at my alma mater, Clarkson University. Working heavily in policy, employee relations, recruiting, and data management, I also advised student groups such as the Genders and Sexualities Alliance, and the Delta Chi chapter of the premier professional fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi, which I now serve as an alumni board member.
I hold an ethical leadership certification from NASBA (National Association of State Boards of Accountancy) Center for the Public Trust, am a member of the Society for Human Resources Management, and am currently working towards my M.B.A. with advanced certifications in leadership and management, as well as human resources management at Clarkson. All this aside, on the weekends you can find me out with friends, or going to concerts and festivals.