Edward Chou
75 East River Parkway
Why are people the way they are? How do we conceptualize and measure differences in the ways people think, feel, and behave? Having been intrigued by these questions my whole life, I moved halfway across the world to MN (?) to continue searching for answers.
One way to approach these key questions is to focus on dispositional traits, which are relatively stable, broad descriptors of personality with some biological bases (e.g., the Big Five). Personality traits are hierarchically organized, but our field has historically paid more attention to the level of the Big Five than to narrower (e.g., aspects) or broader traits (e.g., metatraits). Within the realm of dispositional traits, I primarily research personality aspects, which sit between the Big Five domains and narrower facets on the personality hierarchy. For example, I am developing a short version of the Big Five Aspect Scales (BFAS) using item response theory.
The relative decontextualized nature of dispositional traits may increase their generalizability while limiting their utility for individuals. Many important psychological constructs are specified in relation to a person's particular culture(s) or life circumstances (e.g., goals, values, psychopathology, identity), and are not considered dispositional traits. I research the links between traits and more contextualized components of personality, focusing on personality disorders and identity processes. For example, I am measuring associations between personality aspects and themes from life narratives.
Educational Background
- PhD: Personality, Individual Differences, and Behavioral Genetics Psychology, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2020-
- Bachelor of Science (Hons): Psychology, The University of Auckland, 2015-2019