Iris Donga Vilares
75 East River Parkway
My research investigates how humans make decisions, and how these differ in people with psychiatric and neurological diseases. To analyze this, I combine tools from cognitive neuroscience with neuroeconomics and computational models. One topic of particular focus is decision-making under uncertainty. I research this both at an individual/perceptual level (how do people combine uncertain prior and current information in a sensorimotor task) and at a social level (trusting others in the face of social uncertainty). Furthermore, I look at how these processes are represented in the brain. Computational models are then used to explain the resulting behaviors, and to offer a principled understanding of decision-making in health and disease.
Educational Background
- PhD: Neuroscience, Northwestern University / Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Dec 2013
- MSc: Mathematics Applied to the Biological Sciences, Technical University of Lisbon, 2008
- BSc/Licenciatura: Biology, University of Lisbon, 2005
- Neuroeconomics
- Decision-making
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Functional neuroimaging
- Computational Psychiatry