Collegiate Affiliation

I serve as Co-Director of the Center for Writing and the Minnesota Writing Project. I am also Affiliate Graduate Faculty in Literacy and Rhetorical Studies. Previously, I worked as Postdoctoral Associate and Writing Initiative Coordinator with the U of M's award-winning Community of Scholars Program. I am also an alumna of the U of M, having received my PhD in American Studies.

My publications include articles in Praxis (20192022), Learning from the Lived Experiences of Graduate Student Writers (2021)WPA: Writing Program Administration (2016), and Writing Center Journal (2015). I am a former board member of the Midwest Writing Centers Association (2010-13) and had the privilege of being a leader at the IWCA Summer Institute (2022). I also try to enact my pedagogical commitments through my work as the dramaturg for Aniccha Arts (e.g., CensusParking Ramp Project).

Educational Background
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Educational Background

  • PhD: American Studies, University of Minnesota
  • MA: American Studies, Brown University
  • BA: Comparative American Ethnic Studies, University of Washington