Katie Levin
216 Pillsbury Dr SE
I'm continually delighted to be a part of the Center for Writing, where I enjoy working with members of the U of M community as they wrestle with—and, I hope, have fun with—the practice and pedagogy of university writing, a longtime passion of mine. My dissertation, More Things Than Dreamt of in Our Philosophy: Tutoring, Administration, and Other Peculiarities of Writing Center Work, was an ethnographic study of one group of writing center tutors' beliefs and practices along with their implications for theory and tutor training. My current research interests include the complex push-and-pull of privilege, power, discourse, identity, and resistance in the writing center; my favorite part of my work at the Center is consulting one-with-one with instructors, researchers, and students.
When I am not working in or thinking about writing centers, I obsess alternately over major-league baseball and college basketball, depending on the season. I also enjoy baking (especially with chocolate), reading histories of New York, and watching more television than is good for me.