Collegiate Affiliation

I am a fourth year PhD student in political science at the University of Minnesota and a population studies graduate trainee at the Minnesota Population Center. I am broadly interested in American Political Economy, and my dissertation looks at the role that sources of place-linked livelihood (farming, mining, manufacturing, fishing, etc.) play on people's identities and political views (especially on economic/environmental policy).

I have a quantitative background and like to help others defeat their math/statistics anxiety. I am an avid gardener and gamer, a reluctant jogger and biker, and a proud resident of the humbler twin city, St. Paul, where I share a home with my husband Ryan, my baby Glenn, my tabby cat Circe, and my golden retriever Allie.

Educational Background & Specialties
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Educational Background

  • M.A.: Political Science, University of Minntesota, October 2023
  • M.S.: Statistics, University of Minnesota, May 2022
  • B.A.: Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Wellesley College, May 2015


  • American Political Economy
  • Political Methodology
  • Political Geography