Adrienne Manbeck
75 East River Parkway
I am a graduate student in the Clinical Science and Psychopathology Research program. I am interested in studying mechanistic underpinnings of maladaptive threat responses using experimental techniques, such as conditioning. In particular, I am interested in maladaptive threat responses that are common to several anxiety-related disorders, such as avoidance and generalization. I am also interested in the relationship between behavior and anxiety, with a specific interest in behaviors that may serve to maintain maladaptive anxiety. I have also become interested in the ways in which societal marginalization and oppression -- such as that experienced by members of the LGBTQIA+ community -- may impact the development of unhelpful threat responding. Within this field of research, I find research into individual and community-based resilience factors which may buffer against the impact of societal oppression to be especially compelling.
Prior to arriving at the University of Minnesota for graduate school, I worked for two years as a post-baccalaureate research fellow at the National Institutes of Health in the Section on Neurobiology of Fear and Anxiety.
Educational Background
- B.A.: Psychology, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, 2017
- Generalization of conditioned fear
- Minority Stress
- Pathological Fear and Anxiety
- Fear Conditioning
- Psychophysiology