Rich Lee
75 East River Parkway
What are the unique racial and ethnic experiences of ethnic and racial minority youth and adults? How do these experiences relate to the development, well-being, and mental health among racial and ethnic minority individuals and families? What can psychologists do to improve the lives of racial and ethnic minority individuals and families? Informed by an ethnic studies and critical race perspective, my students and I seek to answer these questions by focusing on aspects of culture, ethnicity, and race that function as risk or protective factors for well-being, mental health, and achievement. These factors include acculturation and enculturation, ethnic identity development, discrimination/racism, parent-child acculturation conflicts, and cultural socialization.
Current research projects are organized into one of three domains. First, I am interested in advancing theory and measurement related to culture-specific risk and protective factors. Second, I examine the transracial and transnational experiences of Korean children who were adopted internationally by White families. Third, I engage in community-based research to improve engagement in evidence-based prevention programs for racial and ethnic minority populations.
Educational Background
- PhD: Psychology (Counseling), Virginia Commonwealth University, 1996
- BA: Psychology and Philosophy, Boston College, 1990
- : , Simon's Rock College of Bard, 1986 -
- counseling psychology
- ethnic minority mental health
- individual differences
- international adoption
- prevention science
- Asian American studies