Katie Willer
Theatre Arts & Dance
540D Rarig Center
330 21st Ave S
Collegiate Affiliation
Katie Willer is the Director of Curriculum and Student Services for the BA Theatre Arts program. She serves as the Department Advisor for the BA majors and minors, as well as the department electives for the BFA students. Having graduated from the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities with a BA, she spent her degree in Rarig like the rest of her students. Following the awarding of her Masters degree in Performance, she returned to the department as staff in 2008. She is currently enrolled in a therapy program, as the crossover with advising is strong.
Educational Background
Educational Background
- B.A.: Theatre Arts, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, 2003
- M.A.: Performance Making, Goldsmiths College London, 2007
- M.F.T: Marriage & Family Therapy, Saint Mary's University, current