English Major Spotlight: Alisha Wong

The junior is balancing studies in English and in Human Resources and Industrial Relations at Carlson School of Business
Person from hips up standing in green field with trees and green hills behind; person has long dark hair and light skin, arms behind back, wearing dark v-neck top and pants

Year: Junior
Hometown: Farmington, MN

Why did you choose to major in English?

Other than the obvious work of reading and writing—which I enjoy tremendously and find strength in—English provides me the mental and emotional balance I need with my Human Resources major. While I enjoy many aspects of business, I find myself clinging to English/the humanities even more when the business school becomes too intense and competitive. My ambitions are still in my pocket, but my passions can stay, too.

What has been your favorite part of your experience in the department?

English folk, and those of many of the humanities in general, are just so incredibly welcoming and genuine to talk to. And the department has allowed me to learn something I love while simultaneously letting me unravel things about who I am. The medium of how the major works provides a personal and honest space to be open. 

Are you pursuing any majors, minors, or internships outside your English major? 

I’m double-majoring in English and Human Resources and Industrial Relations at Carlson! I’ve also dabbled in a few publication/editing and legal internships/externships and a research assistantship and fellowship. It’s been a journey trying to make a tapestry of all my interests and goals.

What is a favorite book you read for an English class?

Obasan by Joy Kogawa. I read it way back when in middle school, then again for a College in the Schools class. This novel makes me cry no matter what age I read it.

What is your favorite thing about Pillsbury Hall?

Externally, it’s one of the prettiest buildings on campus. Internally, the best students are housed in there.

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