Mathematics Placement Test
All placement tests must be completed prior to your orientation date. The placement test must be completed in one sitting. You will need to keep track of time, so start a timer when you get to the question screen. Calculators and other resources are not allowed.
To learn your placement after you have taken your math placement test, return to the placement testing step on the New Student Checklist.
All first-year students are required to complete a math placement test, including those who expect pre-college credit (AP or IB) or who have earned college credit in mathematics.
Click here to get started on your math placement test.
Transfer Students
Transfer students who have not taken classes to fulfill the mathematical thinking liberal education requirement, or who are planning a major or program that requires math, may need to take a math placement test in order to register. Placement tests help you and your advisor understand which math class you are ready to take at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.