Dissertations & Placements
Joshua Eichen
- "Racialization, Climate Change and the Birth of Capitalism: 1449-1720"
- Placement:
John Kendall
- "Oil is Where You Find It: Mediations of Technology, Labor and Value in the Oilfield"
- Placement: Penn State, NSF Funded, 2 year post doctoral research on the political-industrial ecology of petrochemicals in Appalachia
Yaxuan Zhang
- "Using GPS-enabled Activity-Travel Surveys to Understand Individuals' Spatiotemporal Behaviors and Promote Equitable Mobility"
- Placement: Transportation Planner at Modern Mobility Partners, Atlanta, GA
Gabe Schwartzman
- "After Coal: Power, Development, and Post-Coal Politics in Appalachia"
- Placement: Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Sustainability at the University of Tennessee
Matthew Trumper(MA)
- Multi-Scale Topographic Influences on Tree Growth: A Case Study of Quercus lobata in the Tehachapi Mountains, California
- Placement: Research Specialist, Department of Geography, Environment and Society, UMN
Judith Avila(MA)
- Exploring Hydroclimatic Variability on the Red River of the North, the Least Stationary River of the United States
- Placement: U.S. Department of the Interior, Missouri Basin Region
Mara McPartland
- "Schools for Sale: Contested Geographies of Education, Urban Development, and Political Imaginaries in Chicago"
- Placement: post-doctoral researcher at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Potsdam, Germany
Anindita Chatterjee
- "The Knowledge Thief? Intellectual Property Disputes and Copying for Development in India"
- Placement: Instructor, Institute of Global Studies, UMN
Spencer Cox
- "Neoliberalism’s Last Days: Amazon and the Rise of America’s New Working Classes"
- Placement: Data Scientist at Stantec, a global design and engineering firm
Keavy McFadden
- "Schools for Sale: Contested Geographies of Education, Urban Development, and Political Imaginaries in Chicago"
- Placement: Kelter Postdoctoral Fellow in Urban Studies at the Center for Urban and Global Studies, Trinity College, Hartford, CT
Robin Wright
- "Liberty, Guns, and Pocket Constitutions: Constructing a White Nation Through Legal Discourse in the Pacific Northwest"
- Placement: Core Fellow in Environmental Studies at Boston College
Chelsea Cervantes De Blois
- "Examining Well-being and Vulnerability in Data-Poor Nations: Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan"
- Placement: Climate Change Analyst for the Bureau of Intelligence and Research's Office of the Geographer and Global Issues (GGI) in the US Department of State
Jacqueline Daigneault
- "Making Markets Modern: Development, Displacement, and the Politics of Inclusion in Togo’s Everyday Economy"
- Placement: User Experience Researcher, Asset Management division, JP Morgan
Brittany Krzyzanowski
- "Enabling Neighborhood Health Research and Protecting Patient Privacy"
- Placement: postdoctoral fellowship in the Neurology Department of the School of Medicine at Washington University
Maryia Bakhtsiyarava
- "Household Agriculture as a Determinant of Household Food Security and Child Undernutrition in Ethiopia"
- Placement: Postdoc in Urban and Regional Development at UC Berkeley
Jacob Coburn
- "Wind in the Upper Midwest: Assessing Wind Resource Variability and Representation in Reanalyses"
- Placement: Postdoc in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University
Eric Goldfischer
- "The Difference that Seeing Makes: Homelessness and Visuality in Urban Ecology"
- Placement:
Joe Getzoff
- "Wasted Lands: Zionist Development and Settler Colonialism in the Naqab/Negev"
- Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor position in the Graduate School of Geography at Clark University
Aaron Mallory
- "In the Life: Accounting and Triage for Black LGBTQIA Communities in HIV Prevention"
- Placement: Assistant Professor of Geography at Florida State University
Elizabeth Schneider
- "Spatiotemporal Complexity of Fire in an Island-Lake Landscape, Border Lakes Region, Minnesota, USA"
- Placement: Instructional Design Specialist in the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Teaching, Scared Heart University
Uday Kuwar Thapa
- "Investigating Changes in Forest Growth and Atmospheric Circulation in the Himalayan Region During the Past Four Centuries"
- Placement: Researcher in Climate and Global Change program at The National Atmospheric and Oceanographic Administration, UC Santa Barbara
Kevin Van Meter
- "Theory Moves: Autonomist Marxism, Social Movement Publications, and the Production of Space"
- Placement: Labor Organizer in the Pacifi Northwest, specifically; Internal Organizer with SEIU49
Kwame Adovor
- "The State’s Role and Synergies in China-Africa Engagements: The Case of Ghana’s Bui Hydropower Dam"
- Placement: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Urbana
Megan Snow
- "The Shelterbelt “Scheme”: Radical Ecological Forestry and the Production of Climate in the Fight for the Prairie States Forestry Project"
- Placement: Program Director for Geospatial Support in the University Library and Adjunct Professorial Lecturer in the Department of Public Administration and Policy at the American University in Washington DC
Hillary Waters
- "Undermining the urban present: Struggles over toxicity and environmental knowledge in Zambian mining cities"
- Placement: Postdoctoral Research Associate with CREATE Initiative at Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Kai Bosworth
- “The People versus the Pipelines: Energy infrastructure and liberal ideology in North American environmentalism”
- Placement: postdoctoral position at the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society
Damien Carriere
- "Filtering Class through Space: Security Guards and Urban Territories in Delhi, India"
- Placement: post-doctoral fellowship funded by the French research institute, Institute of Strategic Research of the Ecole Militaire
Julia Corwin
- "Circuits of Capital: India's Electronic Waste in the Informal Global Economy"
- Placement: assistant professor at London School of Economics, UK
Ding Fei
- "Variegated Work Regimes: A Comparative Analysis of Chinese Companies in Ethiopia"
- Placement: Postdoc at Arizona State University
Jessica Finlay
- "Cities of (In)Difference: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Place and Wellbeing in Later Life"
- Placement: Postdoc in the Social Environment & Health Program, University of Michigan
Asli Ikizoglu
- "Spacing Asylum: Orders of Protection in a Turkish City"
- Placement: Assistant Professor in Cultural Studies at Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
Laura Matson
- "Multiple Sovereigns and Transient Resources: Contested Ecosystems and Expanding Tribal Jurisdiction in the Great Lakes Region"
- Placement: Postdoc, Grand Challenges, University of Minnesota
Gwen McCrea
- "Political (Wild)Life: What More-Than-Human Relations Can Tell Us About the Politics of Morehouse"
- Placement: Learning Specialist Liaison for the Liberal Arts at Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, Virginia
Todd Morehouse
- "A Desire to be Otherwise: On Eco-survivalism"
- Placement: Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
Bryan Runck
- "GeoComputational Approaches to Evaluate the Impacts of Communication on Decision-making in Agriculture"
- Placement: postdoctoral in College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Science(CFANS) UMN
Laura Cesafsky
- "Divided Together: Traffic and Democratic Life in Bogota'"
- Placement: Researcher: Nissan Corporation
Alicia Lazzarini
- "‘Açúcar nem Sempre Doce’: Reinvestment, Land, and Gendered Labor in a ‘New’ Mozambique"
- Placement: Consortium for Faculty Diversity postdoctoral fellowship in Geography at Bucknell University
Ben McDaniel
- "At Odds with Progress: An Analysis of Minnesota's Municipal Tax Legislation, Metro-Area Fiscal Control, and the Taxpayer's Income Conundrum, 2003-2012"
- Placement: Lecturer, North Hennepin Community College
Sara Nelson
- "Neoliberal Environments: Crisis, Counterrevolution, and the Nature of Value"
- Placement: University of British Columbia as a Killam Postdoctoral Fellow.
Dudley Bonsal
- "Local in Space and Time: Acoustic Environmental Policy in Minnesota and a Fine-Scale Spatiotemporal Representation of Aircraft Noise Impact on Residential Life"
- Placement: James Madison University, Assistant Professor, tenure track
Sian Butcher
- "Infrastructures of Property and Debt: making affordable housing, race and place in Johannesburg"
- Placement: Human Geography Lecturer in the School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
Jessica Lehman
- "Planetary Sea: Oceanography and the Making of the world Ocean"
- Placement: Mellon Postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Basil Mahayni
- "Crisis in Jordan's Water Sector? Understanding the Dynamics of Institutional and Political Constraints in Water Management and Corporatization Reforms"
- Placement: Practice manager with Chemonics International (Washington DC)
Bill Lindeke
- "In Search of New Riders: Affective Exclusions and Bicycle Planning in Minneapolis/Saint Paul"
- Placement: St Paul Planning Commission and a freelance journalist, blogger, and activist
Ursula Lang
- "Cultivating Everyday Life: Yards, Nature and Time in the City"
- Placement: Postdoctoral Research Associate in urban geography at Glasgow University, UK
Katharine H. Kindervater
- "Lethal Surveillance: Drones and the Geo-History of Modern War"
- Placement: Society of Fellows 3 year postdoc at Dartmouth
Jeff DeGraves
- "Electricity, Marginalization, and Empowerment: For Whom? And Who Decides? Evaluating Participatory Mapping in Río Negro, Honduras"
- Placement: University of Wisconsin—Eau Claire, lecturer
Catherine Chang
- "Variegated Geographies of Ecological Urbanization: China's Eco-Cities in Global Context"
- Placement: Macalester College, Assistant Professor, tenure track
Ilona Moore
"The Work of 'Feeding the World:' from India's Green Revolution to the Paradox of Plenty"
Placement: Bucknell University, Assistant Professor, tenure track
Renata Blumberg
"The Spatial Politics and Political Economy of Alternative Food Networks in Post-Soviet Latvia and Lithuania"
Placement: Montclair State University, NJ, Assistant Professor in Food Systems
Ivan Bialostosky
"Urban Sustainability and the Technopolitics of Order"
Placement: Century College, MN, Adjunct faculty
Chris Crawford
"Assessing Historical Trends in Snowpack Variability Across the Northern Rocky Mountains Using Remote Sensing and Dendrochronology Approaches"
Placement: NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Smai Eria
"The State of GIS in Developing Countries: A Diffusion and GIS & Society Analysis of Uganda, and the Potential for Mobile Location-Based Services"
Placement: ERSI analyst
Elizabeth Fairly
"Upholding Customary Land Rights through Formalization? Evidence from Tanzania’s Program of Land Reform"
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Washington DC
Jennifer Kotting
"Baltimore’s Urban Fix: Sounds of Excess and Exclusion in Station North"
Placement: Communications Director, Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health, Chicago
Jerry Shannon
"Rethinking Food Deserts: the practice and politics of food access"
Placement: University of Georgia, Assistant Professor, tenure track
Omar Tesdell
"Shadow Spaces: Territory, Sovereignty, and the Question of Palestinian Cultivation"
Placement: Birzeit University, Palestine, Assistant Professor of Geography; 2014-2015 Abu-Lughod Postdoctoral Fellowship at Columbia University
Luke Bergmann
"Capital, Carbon, Context, and Concepts: Geographies under Globalization"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Washington
Adam Berland
"Twin Cities Urbanization and Implications for Urban Forest Ecosystem Services"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Ball State University
Stefano Bloch
"The Changing Face of Wall Space: Graffiti-murals in the context of neighborhood change in Los Angeles"
Placement: Mellon postdoctoral fellowship, Brown University; Lecturer, California State University
Dinesh Paudel
"The Double Life of Development: Peasants, Agrarian Livelihoods, and the Prehistory of Nepal’s Maoist Revolution"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Appalachian State University
Kathryn Pratt
"Fleshing out Conservation: Performative Ecologies and Embodied Practice in Chilean Temperate Rainforest Management"
Program Development Specialist, Macalester College
Christopher Strunk
"Circulating citizenship practices: Bolivian routes of migration, hometown associations, and development"
Placement: Augustana College, Assistant Professor, tenure track
Nathan Clough
"Constituent Space: Re-theorizing the Geographies of Contestation and Control"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Minnesota Duluth
Nicholas Handler
"Technocenosis: As Assessment of Efforts to Identify the Sources of Derelict Trawl Nets in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Pierce College
Elizabeth Johnson
"Reanimating Bios:Biomimetic Science and Empire"
Placement: Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Wisconsin Madison
Tatiana Matejskova
"Everyday Landscapes of Immigrant Integration in Post-Socialist Berlin: Integration Projects, Othering, and Meanings of Work"
Placement: Assistant Professor, Roskilde University, Denmark
Emily Murai
"Mapping Qualculative Geographies: User Interface Design and the Production of Space"
Placement: Lecturer, University of California Santa Clara
Rajyashree Narayanareddy
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Toronto
Ebenezer Nikoi
"Child Nutritional Well-Being in Ghana: An Analysis of Associated Individual, Household, and Contextual health Indicators and Socioeconomic and Biophysical Environmental Variables"
Placement: University of Ghana
Nicole Simms
"The Counterfeit Consumer: Counterfeit Luxury Goods and the Negotiation of Space and Subjectivity"
Placement: Researcher, The Hospital for Sick Children, Minneapolis.
Kyle Walker
"The Geographies of Local Immigration Policies in the United States"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Texas Christian University
Justin Jacobson
"Japanese Transit-Oriented Development: the Framed Market and the Production of Alternative Landscapes"
Placement: Secondary School, Japan
Ozan Karaman
"Remaking Space for Globalization: Dispossession Through Urban Renewal in Istanbul"
Placement: Lecturer, University of Glasgow, UK
David Maralack
"Transforming Sport and Identity in the Post-Apartheid South African Nation State"
Placement: Senior Lecturer, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Moira McDonald
"Political Economy of Agriculture in the Yazoo Delta: how Federal Policies Shape Environmental Quality, Livelihood Possibilities, and Social Justice"
Placement: Program Officer, Freshwater Conservation Initiative, Walton Family Foundation, DC
Iam Muehlenhaus
"Lost in Visualization: Using Quantitative Content Analysis to Identify, Measure, and Categorize Political Cartographic Manipulations"
Placement: Lecturer and GIS Lab Manager, University of Wisconsin River Falls
Samuel Schueth
"State Assemblage in the Republic of Georgia"
Placement: USAID, Afghanistan
Marion Traub-Werner
"Global Displacements: Geographies of Work and Industrial Restructuring in the Dominican Republic"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Buffalo
Christopher William
"Ecology, Conservation, and Climate-Fire Challenges on Uruguru Mountain Biodiversity Hotspot, Tanzania"
Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Dar es Salaam
Grant Elliot
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Missouri
Debarchana Ghosh
"A Geospatial Analysis of West Nile Virus in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area of Minnesota"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Kent State University
Jason Jindrich
Placement: Associate Researcher, Brown University
Evan Larson
"Status and Dynamics of Whitebark Pine (Pinus Albicaulis Engelm.) Forests in Southwest Montana, Central Idaho, and Oregon, USA"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Wisconsin Paletteville
David Menyah
"The Informal Sector Revisited: Botswana’s Developmental State and Micro-Enterprise Development"
Placement: Manager, Programme Development, Commonwealth Association for Public Administration & Management, Canada
Julia Rachfuss
"Dynamics of Old-Growth Forests of Minnesota"
Placement: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Mid Sweden University
Jonathan Schroeder
"Visualizing Patterns in US Urban Population Trends"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Middlebury College
Shipeng Sun
"Intraurban Migration in the Twin Cities of Minnesota"
Placement: Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Waterloo, Ontario
Kenneth Blumenfeld
"Convective Weather Hazards in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, MN"
Placement: Lecturer, University of Wisconsin Paletteville
Christopher Hagerman
Placement: Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, Portland, Oregon; adjunct faculty, Portland State University
Tiffany M. Myrdahl
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Lethbridge; board member of Women in Cities International
Judith Otto
"Representing Communism: Discourses of Heritage Tourism and Economic Regeneration in Nowa Huta, Poland"
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Framingham State College
Frank Shockey
"Geography and the Rule of Law in the Making of Two American Indian Reservations: a Geographic Study of Law as a Social System"
Placement: Community Development Director, City of Ft. Myers, Florida; Senior Natural Hazards Program Specialist
Peter Anthamatten
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Colorado Denver
Jennifer Blecha
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, San Francisco State University
Patricia Boda
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Middle Tennessee State University
Mark Brinda
Placement: Workforce Manager, City of Minneapolis Employment and Training Program; Lecturer, University of Minnesota
Ryan Holifield
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Annemarie Kiaga
Placement: National Program Coordinator, International Labor Organization, Tanzania
Opportuna Kweka
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Dar es Salaam
Kai-Chi Leung
Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong
Elizabeth Lunstrum
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, York University Ontario
Ananthakrishna Maringanti
Placement: Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Singapore
Timothy Mennel
Placement: Senior Editor and Acquisitions Manager, American Planning Association
Roxanne Ornelas
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Miami University of Ohio
Farhana Sultana
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Syracuse University
Kristin Sziarto
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Annette Watson
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, College of Charleston
Jun Zhang
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, National University of Singapore
Helen Hazen
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of Denver
Sook-Jin Kim
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Kon-Kuk University
Yvette Pye
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, St. Mary’s University
Xuejin Ruan
Placement: GIS/IT specialist, Pierce County Washington
Sula Sarkar
Placement: Coordinator, Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota
Daisaku Yamamoto
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Colgate University
Gabriela Valdivia
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, University of North Carolina
Rafael Arias Ramirez
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, National University of Costa Rica
Laura Smith
Placement: Assistant Professor, tenure track, Macalester College