Rachel Raimist Feminist Media Center

The Rachel Raimist Feminist Media Center (RRFMC) is a teaching classroom, open lab, and multimedia training and production facility for Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies and GLBT Studies students, faculty, and staff. This lab provides the physical space and infrastructure to support a variety of instructor and faculty training, curriculum development, and research efforts for GWSS and the broader community of feminist, gender, and sexuality studies scholars at the University of Minnesota.
In the RRFMC, instructors and students learn how to use powerful multimedia tools such as iMovie, Photoshop, Final Cut, and blogging tools, authoring projects for class assignments, research, senior theses, and dissertations as part of the RRFMC's ongoing efforts to create a visible online community for feminist, gender, and sexuality studies campus-wide. If you are interested in reserving the RRFMC for classroom use, please contact the GWSS main office staff at [email protected].