For more information on ways to give, contact:
Peter Rozga
Office of Institutional Advancement
220 Johnston Hall
101 Pleasant St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-624-2848
For other giving options, visit
the U of M Foundation.
Help transform the lives and careers of undergraduate and graduate students and faculty by making a gift to GWSS today. Your generous donation supports research, education, and programming to address gender inequality and social justice.
Choose a fund below
Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies Fund
This fund supports faculty and student activities in the Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies and currently honors the contributions and legacies of pioneering faculty members, Amy Kaminsky, Naomi Scheman, and Jacquelyn Zita.
Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies Emergency Support Fund
This fund supports graduate or undergraduate students in the Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies, to provide stipends, tuition support, medical benefits, or related support to students who might otherwise have to suspend their studies due to financial hardship.
Friends of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies Scholarship
Gifts here will help us create new scholarships for our undergraduates. Forty gifts of $40 would allow us to award two $800 scholarships this coming fall. Awards will be based on merit and for short-term faculty-mentored research projects.
Susan Geiger Fellowship Fund for Feminist Scholarship
A contribution to this fund supports the research of graduate students in the Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies with the goal of strengthening the research relationships between faculty and students and advancing the field of Feminist Studies.
Women's Studies Social Justice Fund
Supporting this fund provides support to GWSS students engaged in social justice projects. They are encouraged to use their grant to plan activist-oriented programs such as community workshops, performances, and lectures.
Minnesota Youth Story Squad Fund
This fund supports the Minnesota Youth Story Squad (MYSS) program at the discretion of MYSS directors. Uses can include, but are not limited to, mentor/intern stipends, travel, transportation to and from site schools, an end-of-year celebration, equipment and supplies, and conference attendance for faculty and students.
Your gift can help support the next generation of leaders and thinkers. Thank you for your support!