Docu-Videos & Digital Stories
Docu-Videos and Digital Keywords
Short multimedia projects that engage important histories and core concepts of GWSS courses.
"The Pill"
A digital essay that traces the history of the birth control pill, specifically examining the testing of the pill in Puerto Rico within a context of racism and empire.
This award-winning docu-video introduces an important trope in feminist and queer media studies.
"The Dad Bod"
A digital essay examining masculinity and body image through tropes in dominant media.
Digital Stories
Short multimedia personal narratives that reflect upon structures of power and social issues such as racism, sexism, and trauma.
A digital story about a student’s grandfather, which focuses on his resilience in facing the legacy of medical violence as a Native American man.
"A Classical Story"
A digital story that narrates a mother’s experiences of sexism in classical performance.
Mapping enables students to example relationships between spaces, historical events, and current social issues. Maps bring geographic, historical, social, and other layers into a conversation between people and the spaces they inhabit.
- "Quinoa in Conflict"
Examines the racial, social, environmental, and economic contestations over this type of grain. - "Campus Violence Project @ University of Minnesota Twin Cities"
Examines the 2014-2015 use of University of Minnesota Crime Alerts/Timely Warnings alongside sites of protest by student group "Whose Diversity?." During this time, the student group was protesting racialized descriptions within Crime Alerts/Timely Warnings.