"Office Hours" Podcast

Infographic showing University of Minnesota Heller-Hurwicz Podcast titled Office Hours with a microphone and headphones.
Smiling white man wearing glasses, with gray hair and wearing a black suit jacket with light blue shirt
Chris Farrell

Welcome to Heller-Hurwicz Office Hours, a new podcast featuring University of Minnesota economists and their research. Each episode, join host Chris Farrell in conversation with Minnesota economists, exploring economic topics that impact our daily lives. We’ll highlight how careful economic research can improve our understanding of major societal challenges and inform policy decisions on topics ranging from taxes to international trade, minimum wage to inequality.

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Host: Chris Farrell, senior economics contributor at Minnesota Public Radio

Credits: Heller-Hurwicz Office Hours is a production of Matriarch Digital Media. Executive Producer Twila Dang. Producer and Editor Beth K. Gibbs. Music by Bob Bradley.


Economist Bob Litterman is well known for his risk management career on Wall Street. He has been at the forefront of using economics and a risk management framework to develop strategies that would minimize future global climate change by creating appropriate incentives to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Link to Episode 10

Link to the transcript for Episode 10

50% of seniors get their healthcare through Medicare Advantage plans, yet the growth of Medicare Advantage has been controversial. Among the topics discussed about Medicare Advantage plans, is whether these plans are overpaid based on the level of benefits they provide to plan members. Economists Amil Petrin and Keaton Miller also calculate the impact of lower payments to Medicare Advantage providers on plan members.

Listen to episode 9.

Read the transcript for episode 9.

Trust is an important concept in economics. Economist Chris Phelan develops a theoretical model for better understanding the impact of trustworthy and opportunistic actions by governments in less developed countries. We also discussed the role of trust and understanding the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the Federal Reserve Board's monetary policy.

Listen to episode 8.

Read the transcript for episode 8.

The US Bureau of Economic Analysis estimates that in 2018, little more than 1/3, of business income wasn't reported in tax filings. That's roughly $700 billion. Policymakers have long railed against the tax gap with little success. Economist Ellen McGrattan lays out a dynamic theory of business taxation, and she uses the framework to tease out the impact of two potential reforms, higher business taxes, and greater tax enforcement. 

Listen to episode 7.

Read the transcript for episode 7.

The federal income tax code is progressive. Now, we all know that, but what about state and local taxes? How progressive are they? And how much does progressivity vary among the states? Economist Jonathan Heathcoat investigates: "We hear this term a lot progressivity in the tax code. But what does it actually mean? Proportional tax would be if I double your income, I doubled the amount of taxes you pay. A tax would be progressive if when you double your income, you pay more than twice as much in taxes. And then the opposite would be a regressive tax code: I double your income, you pay less than twice as much taxes."

Listen to episode 6 here.

Read the transcript for episode 6 here.

UMN Economics Professor Jo Mullins says that cash assistance programs play a crucial role for poor households with children. "We know that from a pure accounting sense, if we look at what households in the United States get from Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, i.e. cash welfare, what they get from food stamps, what they get from the Earned Income Tax Credit, and more recently, the Child Tax Credit. You know, if you add all those things up, we know that they play a significant role in poverty reduction and the rates of exposure of children to what official statistics would call the poverty rate."

Listen to episode 5 here.

Read the transcript for episode 5 here.

In late 2023, the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice revised their Merger Guidelines, and lowered the threshold for labor market concentration, making clear that the labor market concentration is going to be an important factor in antitrust policy going forward. Hear University of Minnesota economist Kyle Herkenhoff discuss the history of M&A policy and the new 2023 Merger Guidelines. 

According to Herkenhoff and his co-author's research, roughly 10% of markets in the U.S. are “single-firm markets,” meaning one company controls the jobs in that region. Additionally, in those single-firm markets, they find that workers are paid roughly 30% less than competitive wages and that monopsony power is pervasive across American industries and cities.

Listen to Season 1, Episode 3 here.

Read the transcript for Season 1, Episode 3 here.

"We made a lot of progress in, you know, gender wage gaps and earnings gap, and so on, throughout the 70’s, the 80’s and early 90’s," says Federal Reserve Bank Researcher Anusha Nath. "And after all the policy changes that were made … we still see a huge wage gap, whether it's by gender, or whether it's by race. So even today, some of the latest numbers suggest that women earn 82 cents to $1 that men earn, if you look at the Black-white gap, it's 87 cents to $1, for Blacks versus whites."

Listen to Season 1, Episode 3 here.

Read the transcript for Season 1, Episode 3 here.

Hear UMN Economics Professor Hannes Malmberg share why education/skills are widely acknowledged as central for economic development, yet their precise role remains uncertain. 

"What we're trying to look at is the interconnection between how much does the lack of big firms connect to the lack of education in a skilled workforce," says Malmberg. "We often assume that economic growth is a well defined concept, you know? Some countries are rich, some countries are poor. I think it's an assumption you should question. And you should look at the data."

Listen to Season 2, Episode 2 here.

Read the transcript for Season 2, Episode 2 here.

Join us for the first episode of our new season of Office Hours. Hear HHEI Director Kjetil Storesletten discuss why inequality has increased since the 1970s.

"We worry that some people are getting a rotten deal," says UMN Economics Professor Kjetil Storesletten. "And there is perhaps a trade off between what is fair and what is efficient … we've seen the biggest increase in inequality in the century over the last [few] decades, and that's concerning to many."

Listen to Season 2, Episode 1 here.

Read the transcript for Season 2, Episode 1 here.

The economic transformation of China from a poor and centrally planned country in the 1970s to a middle-income market economy today is an amazing story. Kjetil Storesletten lays out the remarkable scale of change. Among the topics he addresses: What was the secret sauce that the Chinese leadership used to deliver rapid growth? Why was the growth broad based and not concentrated in the richer coastal areas? What is the way forward for China now?

Listen to Episode 13: Kjetil Storesletten on China's Economic Transformation

Link to transcript for episode 13

The last few years have seen a renewed interest in wealth taxation. What is a wealth tax, and how does a wealth tax differ from taxes on capital income? Fatih Guvenen discusses research that highlights when a wealth tax, designed to encourage entrepreneurship and risk taking, is preferable to the better-known capital income tax.

Listen to Episode 12: Fatih Guvenen on a Wealth Tax

Link to transcript for episode 12

In this episode, Mariacristina De Nardi discusses how longer lives and unpredictable health make our elder years an economic puzzle. Among the puzzles economists are trying to work out: why do many couples keep putting money away long into retirement? Do we enjoy our money less as we age? She also looks at what public policies might be particularly effective at lowering the degree of financial uncertainty in retirement.

Listen to Episode 11: Mariacristina De Nardi on the Economic Puzzle of Aging

Link to transcript for episode 11

Throughout his career, Art Rolnick has been a researcher and an advocate for government to make large investments in early childhood education for children living in families with low and unstable incomes. The research shows that by investing in quality early childhood education for at-risk children, individuals and society can reap extraordinarily high economic returns, benefits that are low-risk and long-lived.

Listen to Episode 10: Art Rolnick on Early Childhood Education here

Link to transcript for episode 10

In this episode, Joseph Mullins talks about his research from the paper, “Firms’ Choices of Wage-Setting Protocols.” The research project examines what drives differences in firms' willingness to bargain and renegotiate wages. Among the results: bargaining does contribute to the overall gender gap in wages. But a policy that prohibits bargaining to close wage gaps would lower wages for all workers, leading to overall welfare losses.

Listen to Episode 9: Jo Mullins on Bargaining and Negotiating Wages here

Link to transcript for episode 9

The global population is aging. Rising longevity is a powerful demographic force shaping the global economy in many different ways. In this conversation, economist Hannes Malmberg takes a deep dive into how global aging could impact the long-term direction of interest rates. 

Listen to Episode 8: Hannes Malmberg on the Aging Global Population

Link to transcript for episode 8

Gary Stern, former chief executive of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank and co-author of Too Big To Fail, joins the podcast to talk the Silicon Valley Bank crisis, and why restoring market discipline on banks is the first step to making banks and regulators accountable to bank failures. With discussion of the global credit crunch and great recession contextualized in the present day, this episode stresses that there has to be a better way to regulate the banking industry, and avoid these periodic stressful episodes of bank failures, government rescues and economic turmoil.

Listen to Episode 7: Gary Stern on the Banking Crisis

Link to transcript for episode 7

Sovereign debt defaults have long threatened the stability and growth of economies. Remember the Latin American debt crisis of the early 1980s? How about Europe in the 2010s? Manuel Amador and Christopher Phelan discuss their research into sovereign debt defaults, including the role of reputation.

Listen to Episode 6: Manuel Amador and Christopher Phalen on Sovereign Debt

Link to transcript for episode 6

The trend toward rising income inequality in the U.S. has been studied and disputed among economists. Fatih Guvenen advances the scholarly discussion by exploring the concept of measuring inflation-adjusted lifetime inequality over six decades. One stark takeaway: the widespread stagnation of living standards of many American men. We also look at some preliminary data on the experience of younger groups who entered the labor market after 1983.

Listen to Episode 5: Fatih Guvenen on Income Inequality

Link to transcript for episode 5

Have you heard of the term “monopsony”? Kyle Herkenhoff explains what monopsony is and how it is measured. His research measures local labor market concentration and its downward trend in the U.S. over the last 40 years – and its link to monopsony. We'll also discuss the Department of Justice push to apply merger guidelines to monopsony, and not just monopoly.

Listen to Episode 4: Kyle Herkenhoff on Monopsony and Labor Market Concentration

Link to the transcript for Episode 4


In this episode, Tim Kehoe discusses the impact of liberalizing international trade and foreign investment on the economy. He lays out why he believes globalization has been a source of productivity increases and the spread of economic progress throughout the world. He also calls for greater action by economists to pay more attention to the negative consequences of globalization and on policies to offset the adverse consequences.

Listen to Episode 3: Tim Kehoe on International Trade

Link to the transcript for Episode 3

In this episode Anusha Nath reviews the initial results from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis’ long-term minimum wage study. The economic impact of raising the minimum wage is controversial. This project is designed to assess over time the labor market effects of Minneapolis’ and St. Paul's minimum wage increases announced in 2017 and 2018, respectively.

Listen to Episode 2: Anusha Nath on the Minimum Wage

Link to the transcript for Episode 2

How can economic research inform better policies? How should we define good public policy? What trade-offs are inevitable in any policy decision?  V.V. Chari, the founding director of the Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute, discusses his goal for the podcast episodes to address questions like these. He also addresses what makes for good economic research.

Listen to Episode I: V.V. Chari on the Role of Economists in Today's World

Link to the transcript for Episode I

Outside of interviews with faculty, the Office Hours Podcast publishes various episodes produced from lectures hosted by HHEI and the Department of Economics.

LECTURE: How employers are using market power to underpay workers: The new antitrust merger guidelines' take on labor markets

In late 2023, the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice revised their Merger Guidelines, and lowered the threshold for labor market concentration, making clear that the labor market concentration is going to be an important factor in antitrust policy going forward. University of Minnesota economist Kyle Herkenhoff and Eric Posner, University of Chicago professor and legal scholar, used economic modeling to inform policy development related to the worker welfare implications of the new 2023 Merger Guidelines. 

LECTURE: Climate Policy in Economics with Per Krusell

Climate transcript

Scientists agree: global warming is the result of CO2 produced by human activity, and urgent action is needed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. What isn't clear is how this should be done in a global market economy. Fortunately, economic analysis can be used to figure out what policies have the best chance of success given economic and political realities. Tune in to hear Per Krusell, Professor at the Institute for Economic Studies at Stockholm University, discuss the economic approach to reducing carbon emissions. Originally recorded on September 22, 2022.

LECTURE: U.S. Debt Ceiling: Reining in the Leviathan or Mutually Assured Destruction?

Debt Ceiling transcript

Raise the debt ceiling or pay the bills? Economists Chris Phelan, Marco Bassetto and Cristina Arellano discuss the looming debt limit deadline, and what the risk of default may mean for the US economy. Recording sourced from our webinar held on May 24, 2023.

LECTURE: Here we go again? Silicon Valley Bank and the current banking crisis

SVB transcript

Defund the banks? The recent failures of Silicon Valley Bank, Sovereign Bank, and internationally, Credit Suisse, have brought new focus on banks, their ability to pay depositors, and the role of central banks in regulating and ensuring the stability of our financial system. In this conversation, economists V.V. Chari, Terry Fitzgerald, and Christopher Phelan discuss the current banking crisis and what policies need to change going forward. Recorded at event on March 29, 2023.