A Polemical Companion to Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age of Inflationary Media
Ed. Bradley J. Nelson and Julio Baena
Reading Medialogies, Reading Reality: Just Deserts
Julio Baena and Bradley J. Nelson
- The Prison-House of Media: Emancipating the Spectator
Luis F. Avilés - On Photography as Inflationary Art
David William Foster - His Panic Issues
John Mowitt - Neither Apocalyptic nor Integrated: Discordant Dialectics
Palmar Álvarez-Blanco - The Medialogy Continuum: From Reality Bleeds to the Performance of the Self
Barbara Simerka - Anonymous Sovereignty vs. Zombie Sovereignty: On the Gaping Ontopolitical Difference Between Early-Modern and Post-Modern Medialogies
David Souto Alcalde - Quixo-Journalism
William Childers - Seeing Cervantes as More than a Soldier, or How to Reframe our Portrait of the Artist
Rachel Schmidt - The Parergon for Parergonal Critique: On David Castillo and William Egginton’s Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age of Inflationary Media
Alberto Moreiras - The Screen Behind the Screen: A Penultimate Response to a Polemical Companion
David Castillo and William Egginton
Cervantine Fiction, Inflationary Media, and Reality Literacy
Nicholas Spadaccini and Timothy Frye