Two New Faculty Members Join the History Department

The University of Minnesota History faculty will be growing! Two new faculty will be joining the department in the coming years. Sheer Ganor and Aaron Hall are both graduates of UC Berekeley’s PhD program in History.


Sheer Ganor’s work has focused on the German-Jewish communities that were spread across the world following the Nazi rise to power in the 1940s. She looks at the connections and the differences between these different communities that have been separated by great distances. Sheer Ganor will be a great addition to the faculty focused on Modern European History and Jewish History.

Aaron Hall’s work is more centered on the 19th century United States. He traces the ways in which Americans in the Antebellum period looked to an invented moment of constitutional “Founding” to give their political and legal arguments legitimacy. Hall is also working on the ways in which slavery was a form of state power. Hall will have a lot to offer to American and Legal historians.


The department is very excited to welcome both of these excellent scholars and are looking forward to working with them and seeing where their work goes in the coming years!

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