Stories from the Pandemic: Advocacy and Resilience in Black Immigrant and Refugee Communities

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While the COVID-19 pandemic has further revealed the systemic inequalities faced by people of color, immigrants, and refugees, it has also highlighted the deep traditions of organizing and resilience within these communities. This panel, moderated by MN Transform research assistant and UMN PhD candidate Ibrahim Hirsi, brings together three advocates and leaders from Minnesota’s Black, immigrant, and refugee communities: Hani Jacobson, Nelima Sitati Munene, and Mariam Mohamed to discuss their work advancing equity and justice during the pandemic.

About the Speakers

  • Nelima Sitati Munene is the Executive Director of the African Career Education and Resources, Inc. (ACER).
  • Hani Jacobson is a Community Health and Wellness Nurse in Saint Cloud, MN. 
  • Mariam Mohamed is a children's book author, school educator, mother, and advocate.

The following is a recording of this event:


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