The Immigration History Research Center (IHRC) provides resources for educators who teach about issues related to immigration in Minnesota and globally. These resources are designed to help students improve their critical thinking and research skills within the complex topics of immigration.
Flexible, interdisciplinary, and discussion-based—IHRC's educator resources are a useful collection of lesson plans and toolkits for instructors and teachers to facilitate a better understanding of immigration history. These resources are designed for a wide variety of educational settings, including high school and college classrooms, adult English Language Learner (ELL) classrooms, and discussions taking place in the community.
The Global Race, Ethnicity, and Migration (Global REM) Modules allow educators to browse over 20 topics organized by region, theme, and age level. These lesson plans are adaptable to different classroom settings and include thought-provoking questions and suggested readings to further dialogue about important issues in immigration history.