Balance in Movement: Transforming Teaching Practice Through and into Scholarship

The Scholarship of Teaching: A Workshop Series for Graduate Students 
University Study Group
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Academic work often asks us to take on multiple roles and responsibilities, which at times can seem compartmentalized or even at odds with one another. With a focus on teaching and scholarship, this workshop will consider how we can find balance between these professional activities, by identifying opportunities to move more fluidly between them. A central question will be how scholarship and teaching can mutually reinforce one another at different stages of an academic career and with different areas of specialization. 


By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Reflect on some of the ways in which your teaching and research are/could be mutually reinforcing; 
  • Describe concrete strategies for connecting teaching and scholarship in different specialist areas related to modern language studies and the humanities; 
  • Identify potential intersections between teaching and scholarship in your current or future professional life, and spaces where that work could be shared. 

Presented by Chantelle Warner, University of Arizona

Chantelle Warner is Associate Professor of German and Second Language Acquisition and Teaching at the University of Arizona, where she co-directs the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), a Title VI National Language Resource Center supported through the U.S. Department of Education. Since 2014, she has also served as the Language Program Director for German Studies, and in this role she enjoys getting to support both the undergraduate students and our Graduate Assistant Teachers in the first two years of language and culture study. 


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