Becoming Reflective Researcher-Practitioners: Making Meaning of Classroom Experience and Academic Culture

The Scholarship of Teaching: A Workshop Series for Graduate Students 
University Study Group
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Structured, guided reflection is an essential part of students’ experiential learning, and it is also a key to understanding our own teaching, our scholarship and our place within departmental culture. In this workshop we will define critical reflection and examine its role in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Finally, we will consider how being reflective practitioners can help us find our place within the sometimes opaque culture of a university department and carve out a professional life that strives to be sustainable and ethical.


  • Define critical reflection.
  • Examine examples of critical reflection within SoTL.
  • Engage in critical reflection, examining our own beliefs and values.
  • Identify ways that critical reflection can potentially build balance into our teaching and careers.

Presented by Ann Abbott, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Ann Abbott is the Director of Undergraduate Studies, and an Associate Professor. Her work focuses on student learning outcomes in, as well as critical analysis of the following: foreign language community service learning, social entrepreneurship, social media and languages for specific purposes. She also creates curricular materials that reflect current research. In order to engage with language educators and learners worldwide. 

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