Featured Tip of the Day: A Student's Perspective on Breakout Rooms

The Tip of the Day team was fortunate to recently add a new member: undergraduate Chee-ia Thao. We asked her to tell us about her experience as a student taking multiple classes over Zoom. What features are instructors using? The answer: breakout rooms – in every class. We wanted to know more. Here's what she told us:

You say that breakout rooms are used frequently in Zoom class sessions. In your experience, what makes a breakout room session successful?

For a breakout room session to be successful, I think a big part for the students is to have their camera on. Being able to talk face-to-face instead of seeing black screen with the other participants’ names is more engaging and involves participation from the students. As for the instructors, they should check up on the groups to see if they need any assistance or let them know that the help button is also available.

Continue reading Breakout Rooms: A Student's Perspective.

Two other recent Tips of the Day are:

And more: The New Rich Content Editor (RCE), which debuted in Canvas in January, changes the way accessible content is created and how users of assistive technologies navigate the toolbar. See Accessibility and the New RCE for guidance on ensuring your content is accessible, and tips for navigating the system.

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