Introducing Agnes Malika

Photo of Agnes Malika

Meet Agnes Malika, who has worked at the Language Center since 2016. Her current job title is Administrative Specialist, but what does she really do? In this interview, Agnes highlights major aspects of her work and shares how she can help you tackle your next project.

Which parts of your current job description should ElsieTalk readers know about? Are there specific services or expertise you offer that readers could take advantage of more than they currently do?

Curriculum - I enter all the proposals for new CourseShare courses in the Electronic Course Authorization System (ECAS) where the college reviews and approves the courses. Also, I schedule all the approved courses from the college for each term in Collaborative Class Scheduling (CCS), which after that the courses are posted in One Stop and are available for students to register.

What skills and competencies do you bring to your current job from your educational background, positions you have previously held in the Language Center, or from work and relationships with other units at this/other institutions?

I work closely scheduling courses with language instructors from the African American and African Studies (AAAS) department on the West Bank. This collaboration enables me to help facilitate many interdepartmental projects.

Is there anything else you would like readers to know about you?

Having grown up in Tanzania, I speak Swahili fluently. If you ever want to learn a few words or about Swahili culture, feel free to reach out.

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