New Hindi and Urdu Entrance Placement Tests

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The Language Center and Language Testing Program are proud to announce the launch of the Hindi and Urdu Entrance Placement Tests (EPT). These projects are the result of a collaboration with the department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES), and including support from Liberal Arts Technology and Innovation Services (LATIS). Like the Somali EPT, the tests were created using Qualtrics and are delivered through the existing Language Testing Program’s administrative website. The core development team includes Meraj Ahmed, Hussnain Ahmed, Carter Griffith, and Anna Hubbard. Funding was provided by the Institute for Global Studies.

These placement tests are available for University of Minnesota (UMN) students, and in an innovation, they are also available to some students in the Big Ten. Hindi and Urdu are among UMN’s most commonly shared languages in the Big Ten CourseShare program, and most students who enroll from other universities have previous experience with the language, and are not true beginners. Providing non-UMN students direct access to an EPT will ensure a consistent placement process, and help sustain the growth of these languages.

Please email or submit an online inquiry for more information.

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