New Hindi and Urdu Language Proficiency Exams

Flowers in Mumbai street market

New Language Proficiency Exams (LPEs) for Hindi and Urdu are officially approved and available for University of Minnesota students. The LPE is a four-part test that includes reading, listening, writing and speaking sections. Passing this test is one method of completing the CLA second language requirement.

Some features of the Hindi and Urdu LPEs: The reading sections explore daily life and media in the form of interviews, posters and menus. The listening sections include a story, a job interview and conversations in a shop and a restaurant between native speakers.

Like the recently completed placement tests for the languages, two exams were developed concurrently over the last year. The development team included Meraj Ahmed and Hussnain Ahmed, and development was coordinated by Anna Hubbard and Carter Griffith. Many other instructors, students, staff and community members assisted in the development as it moved from conception through completion.

Approved LPEs are now available for the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew (Modern), Hindi, Hmong, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish and Urdu.

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