Student Focus Group Insights: Building Momentum from Remote Teaching

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic nearly two years ago, those working in higher education have experienced a dramatic transformation in our approach to teaching and learning. This profound pivot has inspired reflection about what aspects of our teaching we truly value and how we will apply what we've experienced going forward.

Students have also come to appreciate some of the affordances of digital learning.

  • What are the elements of remote teaching that students find effective?
  • What elements would students recommend for continued application in the future?

A new report can help provide some answers to these questions.

Four 60-minute focus groups were held during the final weeks of Fall Semester 2021 with students enrolled in all course formats available (e.g., hybrid, online, in-person, HyFlex) to gather their input.

The outcomes of these focus groups were compiled in a new report: Fall 2021 Students Focus Groups Insights: Building Momentum from Emergency Remote Teaching.

The focus groups were organized by Academic Technology Support Services, along with system-wide collegiate partners. Dr. Adolfo Carrillo Cabello from the Language Center participated as an observer in the focus group and contributed significantly to the report. 

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