Farewell to Anna Olivero-Agney

After working at the Language Center in many capacities for a few years, Anna Olivero-Agney is returning to teaching Italian part-time and exploring other work opportunities. Anna first joined the department in 2010 as part of a Language Proficiency Exam (LPE) development team to create a new Italian LPE. In 2013, she returned to assist with the development of multiple LPEs and other instruments. This led to her involvement in the BOSSA self-assessment protocol as one of the five original developers. In 2014, she joined the PACE project sustainability team, further developing BOSSA and other self-assessment instruments. In 2015, she became the departmental Assessment Specialist, which included supporting not only PACE, but also managing test development projects for many languages, including Korean and Somali. She also was one of the original raters for the Critical Reflection Essays required by the Certificate of Advanced Proficiency programs, and her work was essential to the refinement of this instrument. Because of Anna’s diverse talents, her generosity and her good nature, she has made valuable contributions to countless projects that benefit language students. She will be greatly missed by our staff, and the many language instructors and students who turned to her for guidance and expertise.

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