Preparing for a Post-DVD Future in Folwell Hall

You can still find DVD players in the Folwell Hall classrooms, but the time has come to prepare for a post-DVD future. The Office of Classroom Management's (OCM) long-term plan is to retire VCRs and DVD players. The players will not be removed from Folwell as part of the 2020 Classroom Technology Renewal, but repair and replacement options for the players are limited.

Here are some other options for instructors who teach in Folwell Hall (and other buildings) who rely on the availability of film in class:

  • LC Elevator: The Language Center will digitize and stream content for all language and culture instructors in CLA and CCE for instructional purposes. Please confirm that the content you need has not already been digitized, and if not, there is a short digitization request form. Some restrictions apply.
  • LC Check out Equipment: The main office in Jones 110 has three portable Zone-free DVD players, three PC and one Mac laptops with DVD drives, as well as a Super Drive. This equipment can be reserved and checked out by all instructors for classroom use.
  • LATIS DVD Players: CLA instructors may contact their department about the possibility of LATIS purchasing a DVD player for their instructional use.
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