Summer at the Language Center: Multimedia Lab, Tandem and More!

Summer Session launches June 10, 2019, and the Language Center reopens for the season. Please share the following opportunities with instructors, students and staff on campus:

  • Multimedia Lab Jones 135: The Lab is open Monday through Friday, 10:00 to 2:00 pm. It’s a great location for students to work or meet up before or after class. The Lab will provide free coffee (with lids) the following weeks to celebrate the beginning of summer: June 17 – 21 & June 24 – 28.
  • TandemPlus: Students can register at to find a language and conversation exchange partner. In addition to a face-to-face matching program, Tandem often co-hosts cultural events for students.
  • Jones Classrooms 10, 15, 30, 35: The classrooms are open extended hours. Bringing an intensive summer class to a technology classroom breaks up and adds diversity to a long day for students (and instructors). Please make a reservation request online at least a week in advance if possible.
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