TandemPlus Halloween Murder Mystery

TandemPlus is getting creative with bringing people together online. This Halloween, the TandemPlus Student Association, spurred on by the spooky season, hosted a virtual Murder Mystery event via Zoom. Using the Red Herring Games spy-themed murder mystery You Only Die Once, everyone who RSVP'd to the event was provided with a character, backstory, and brief narrative. M, the long-time director of the MI-6 spy agency in London, was having a retirement party. All of the villains and agents alike showed up for the bash; but, the prominent agent 006 ¾ was found deceased at the party. The event made for a classic "who dunnit?" game evening and it was made all the more exciting by the participants who joined both in Minnesota and as far as Vietnam.

Want to join the party and give yourself an evening of fun and conversation? Stay tuned for more virtual events upcoming with the TandemPlus Student Association. Plans are in motion for a November virtual cooking event!

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