Teaching Innovation Grants: Applications due March 9, 2018

TeachingSupport@UMN will award Teaching Innovation Grants of up to $1,000 starting this spring. These grants are intended to support innovative teaching and learning at the University of Minnesota. Innovation is broadly defined and encompasses innovation in all forms, including pedagogy, content, accessibility for students with disabilities, and technology.

People from all system campuses with primary responsibility for teaching (i.e. instructor of record for the course) may submit proposals to enhance their instruction through any of the following means:

  • Development of new course curricula, techniques, technologies, affordable content or materials
  • Application of existing instructional methods in a novel or innovative manner or environment (these methods may be new to you, new in this way, or new to your discipline)
  • Evaluation of new or existing instructional methods, materials or outcomes

Interested instructors should apply online by March 9, 2018.

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