Tip of the Day: One Year Anniversary Survey & Screenshots

We are coming up on the first anniversary of the Tip of the Day blog. This blog was originally created in response to the sudden change to teaching, learning and working from home last March, as a way to provide simple ideas that can hopefully be implemented right away. Because technology is always changing, we have never run out of material. The core team of Dan Soneson, Beth Kautz, Carter Griffith, Jonathan Prestrud, Chee-ia Thao, Stephanie Treat and Diane Rackowski (emeritus) would like to thank everyone who has read and responded to the blog, especially those of you who have shared your expertise with us. To help us plan for the  future, we would appreciate it if you would take a brief survey to tell us what tools and topics you are most interested in reading about.

The most recent Tips are focused on the many options for taking screenshots:

And More: Instructors considering teaching partially in-person Fall 2021 may be inspired by Rick Treece’s article Face-à-Face, which details his experience using a HyFlex model to teach FREN 3014 French Phonetics during Fall 2020.

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