The UW System Collaborative Language Program Presents: Assessment-Focus on Proficiency

274 Van Hise Hall, UW-Madison
May 30, 2019
Register Online
Registration Deadline: May 20, 2019

Join us for a full day of techniques and technologies to assess students in online synchronous and asynchronous environments. This is a full day of hands-on learning with a variety of approaches to be used in both online and face to face classes. For those teaching in a primarily face to face or blended format, you will find these opportunities as additional ways to gather data and refocus your face to face sessions to get the most out of what synchronous group time can offer. For those teaching in entirely online environments or moving to more online environments you will come away with ideas for how students can show you what they know and can do in all modes of communication with place being less of a barrier.

Workshop Fees:

  • CLP instructors and facilitators attend free of charge
  • All other UW Instructors: $65
  • Non-UW Instructors: $85
  • Fees include breakfast, lunch and workshop materials
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