Welcome Back to TandemPlus!

Students: Intrigued by the idea of having a language partner? The TandemPlus Face-to-Face program registration is now open for Spring 2020! TandemPlus searches for people who are learning one another’s native language in order to pair them together for a semesterly exchange of language and culture. The program is free and voluntary and partners have the autonomy to decide when, where, and how often they meet for the semester. The only requirement is that half of the time partners spend together is conducted in each language.

To register and learn more about the program visit tandemplus.umn.edu. Click on the “My Account” menu item on the top-right to sign up with either your UMN Internet ID, or a personal email account. Registration takes 5 –10 minutes.

Have questions about registration or the program? Email tandem@umn.edu or visit tandemplus.umn.edu.

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