Residency Program

Hub Residencies support community-based collaborative projects that engage a topic of important public interest and involve at least one community partner (individual, group, or organization) and one person (faculty or staff) affiliated with the University of Minnesota’s College of Liberal Arts.

Resources Provided

  • Up to $15,000 (full funding for requests is not guaranteed)
  • Priority access to the Hub Space, which includes a large open space designed to accommodate a variety of activities, hybrid event technology, a kitchenette, and reception area.
  • Access to university resources, depending on the nature of the project. These might include (but are not limited to) UMN Libraries privileges, media support, subject expertise, or technological assistance.
  • The opportunity to engage and/or lead dialogues, as desired, with university faculty and staff and community partners in connection to your project.
  • The opportunity for community and connection with other Hub residents.
  • Access to the university’s Google workspace, virtual private network (VPN), and secure WiFi.


Applications will be accepted from any of the following:

  • College of Liberal Arts faculty members, instructors, and/or staff

  • Community members and/or community groups/organizations
  • University of Minnesota departments and collaborative groups (such as Grand Challenges research groups or Interdisciplinary Collaborative Workshops) that involve faculty or staff from the College of Liberal Arts

Applicants from the college must partner with community members and/or community organizations in order for their proposal to be reviewed. Community members and organizations must partner with College of Liberal Arts faculty or staff in order for their proposal to be reviewed.

We encourage applications for projects that involve undergraduate and graduate students.

If you are a community member or organization and need assistance identifying a College of Liberal Arts faculty or staff partner, or if you are a student interested in pursuing a residency, contact Amanda Steepleton, Hub Program Manager, at or 612-624-1811.


Projects may be new or ongoing. They may vary in size, scope, and duration but must, by their nature, necessitate periodic access to The Hub (i.e., proposals should not be for one-time events). They should be collaborative and facilitate reciprocal engagement between College of Liberal Arts faculty/staff and community members/groups around topics of important public interest.

The most competitive projects will be those that align with at least one, and potentially more, of the following purposes of public engagement in the humanities (as defined by Humanities for All):

  • Inform contemporary debates
  • Amplify community voices and histories
  • Help individuals and communities navigate difficult experiences
  • Expand educational access
  • Preserve culture in times of crisis and change